The High Republic: Tales from the Occlusion Zone, also titled The High Republic: Chronicles from the Occlusion Zone, is a series of short stories released in the pages of the Star Wars Insider magazine. It is a part of Phase III of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.[1]
- "No Big Deal" (Star Wars Insider 222)
- "Friend or Foe?" (Star Wars Insider 223)
- "Survivors" (Star Wars Insider 224)
- "Pathogen" (Star Wars Insider 225)
- "Family Ties" (Star Wars Insider 226)
- Untitled story (Star Wars Insider 229)[3]
- SWCE 2023: 9 Things We Learned from the Star Wars: The High Republic Panel on (backup link)
- From the Pages of Star Wars Insider: A New Mission Begins in an Original Star Wars: The High Republic Tale on (backup link)
- This Week! in Star Wars New High Republic in Star Wars Insider | This Week! in Star Wars Dispatch on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)
- "Launchpad" — Star Wars Insider 222
- Star Wars: The High Republic Chronological Reader's Guide on (backup link)