"The Jedi Rescue" is the second part of the fourth episode of the second season the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. It was released on Disney+ on August 14, 2024.[1]
Official description[]
Wes is captured.
Plot summary[]
A supply trip[]
The episode opens with Jedi Padawan Wes Vinik and the younglings Nash Durango, Lys Solay, Nubs and Kai Brightstar leaving Yarrum Tower with boxes of supplies. Vinik doesn't understand why they had to come to a pirate haven to get supplies for Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna. Brightstar explains that this is the only place they could find them and reassures Vinik that not all pirates are bad. Vinik disagrees due to his past experience with pirates.
The younglings are recognized by their Abednedo friend Chigg, who is a former pirate. Vinik doesn't trust Chigg but Brighstar reassures Vinik that Chigg and his crew only sell fruit. While checking their datapad, Solay realizes that they have forgotten to get a coolant vaporizer. Durango sends Vinik back to the Yarrum Tower marketplace to get the vaporize while the others load up the Firehawk. Vinik is reluctant but reluctantly agrees since they are running late. Solay thinks that it will be a good opportunity for Vinik to get to know some nice pirates.
The Ganguls' plot[]
While in the marketplace, he comes across the Ganguls gang. The Ganguls' leader Sellaccc Orryak is inviting the other pirates to join their gang in return for receiving new starships. Orryak tells the assembled pirates that there is a shipyard on Variax with several starships. She tells them that if they participate, they get to keep their own starship for themselves. A Jablogian describes her plan as bold and asks who she is. Orryak introduces herself and her crew Jooro Jarrot and Toda-Joh as the Ganguls, whom she claims are the ultimate "pirate power" in Tenoo's sector.
Vinik, who is familiar with the Ganguls, mocks Orryak. When Orryak asks if he is spoiling for a fight, Vinik responds that he is familiar with her moves and challenges her to a fight. Orryak pretends to parley but signals for Jarrot to trap Vinik under an energy net. Vinik is unable to retrieve his lightsaber. A jubilant Orryak invites the other pirates to join her for her raids. Several pirates began chanting for the Ganguls.
Boarding the Rathtar's Revenge[]
Later Brightstar, Solay and Nubs venture into the marketplace to search for Vinik. They find the Ganguls and their new recruits escorting a captive Vinik aboard a shuttle. As the shuttle ramp closes, the Ganguls' new starship Rathtar's Revenge emerges from the clouds. The three Jedi Initiates use grappling cables to hitch a ride aboard the hull of the Ganguls' shuttle. They climb to the shuttle's roof as it enters the hangar. Several security droids guard the hangar bay of the Rathtar's Revenge.
Orryak, the new recruits and a captive Vinik exit the shuttle. Orryak introduces the new pirates to her new flagship. The Ganguls take the captive Vinik to the bridge with them. While the Jedi younglings navigate their way through a corridor, a grey mouse droid bumps into Nubs. Nubs attempts to trap the mouse droid but it spins around in an attempt to knock him off. A Gigoran and green Twi'lek walk past. The mouse droid carries Nubs to a blast door. Brightstar and Solay run after their friend. The door slides open to reveal Orryak and the bridge.
The three younglings tackle Orryak to the ground and find Vinik, who is bound against a railing. The younglings are trapped by Jarrot and Joh, the latter of whom traps them in an energy net. Vinik demands that Orryak release the Jedi initiates. Orryak instead orders one of her new recruits Chegg to dispose of the younglings, who are shocked that Chigg has apparently joined the Ganguls. Vinik believes that Chegg is a traitor and says "once a pirate, always a pirate." Chigg marches Brightstars, Solay and Nubs out of the bridge.
Once they are inside the corridors, Chigg releases their magnetic binders and reveals that he was pretending to join the Ganguls. After returning their lightsabers, he tells them to find a place to hide and to get Durango to rendezvous with them at the planet Variax. Chigg says that he will meet them at the hangar.
Skirmish over Variax[]
Later, the Rathtar's Revenge exits hyperspace above Variax, a purple desert planet. The pirate warship approaches the Variax shipyard, which lies on top of a plateau. Jarrot binds Vinik to a boarding stairs in the hangar. Orryak tells Vinik that she wants him to watch the Ganguls' victory. She believes that obtaining these starships will make the Gangul fleet unstoppable. Vinik struggles to break free and snarls at Chigg, believing him to be the enemy. From their hiding place, Brightstar contacts Durango, telling her to stage a distraction so that they can rescue Vinik.
The Firehawk bursts from a cloud. Durango and RJ-83 flies into the Rathtar's Revenge's hangar as Orryak is delivering a battle speech. She uses her ship's thrusters to disorientate the pirates. The Jedi younglings activate their lightsabers and demand that Orryak free their friend. Orryak orders her pirates and security droids to attack the younglings. The Jedi fight back with their lightsaber and Force powers, scattering the first wave. Orryak dispatches more reinforcements through three different doors.
Three security droids attack the Firehawk, attempting to breach the transparisteel canopy and hull with their electrostaffs. Durango spins her starship, shaking off the intruders. She accidentally fires two missiles through the ship's hangar, causing the ship to tilt sideways. Vinik is dragged downwards by the boarding stairs. Brightstar, Solay and Nubs use grappling cables to cling to the floor. Chigg turns on the Ganguls, stealing an electrostaff from a security droid.
Chigg rushes over to help Vinik, who doesn't trust him because he thinks that he betrayed his youngling friends. Chigg uses Vinik's lightsaber to slice through his cuffs and the metal. After freeing Vinik, Chigg tells the Padawan that he pretended to join the Ganguls and says that any friend of those "kids" is a friend of his. He passes Vinik his lightsaber. Vinik thanks Chigg, who dodges as an energy net hits the floor. Orryak denounces Chigg for his betrayal. Chigg replies that he is not a pirate.
Meanwhile, Durango positions the Firehawk's landing ramp near the younglings, who board the shuttle. Chigg and Vinik dodge another of Orryak's electric nets. They then jump onto the Firehawk's ramp. Durango flies the five out of the Rathtar's Revenge's hangar. A squadron of starfighters from Variax security converge around the stricken Rathtar's Revenge and order the pirates to leave. Orryak shouts in fury.
Returning to Yarrum Tower, Vinik reflects on their recent adventure and meeting a new friend. Vinik apologizes to Chigg for not trusting him earlier. Vinik hugs him while the younglings laugh.
Characters | Organisms | Droid models | Events | Locations |
Organizations and titles | Sentient species | Vehicles and vessels | Weapons and technology | Miscellanea |
Droid models
Organizations and titles
Sentient species
Vehicles and vessels
Weapons and technology
Notes and references[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures Returns for Season 2 on StarWars.com (backup link)
- ↑ 4.11.23 SW Celeb Tues Wrap Up Press Blast by The Walt Disney Studios on Getty Images (April 11, 2023) (backup link) places Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures 200 years before the events of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which corresponds to 232 BBY according to Star Wars: Timelines.