The Marvel Comics Illustrated Version of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is a Legends graphic novel created by Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson that adapts the film Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. It was published by Marvel Comics in May 1980, and the story was later serialized in issues 39–44 the comic book series Star Wars.
The cover for this comic was also used for Marvel Special Edition 2: The Empire Strikes Back and Marvel Super Special 16: The Empire Strikes Back, though this book has a unique back cover design.
Publisher's summary[]
The most eagerly awaited science-fantasy film of them all…now in a complete, full-color illustrated version from Marvel Comics!
In the book, Al Williamson and Carlos Garzón's artwork for Yoda resembles one of Ralph McQuarrie's concepts for the character. When the story was reprinted in Star Wars (1977) 42, the artwork was updated to reflect Yoda's appearance from the film.[3]
- ISBN 9780960414604; May 1980; Marvel Comics; US paperback[1]
Cover gallery[]
Collected issues[]
- Star Wars (1977) 39
- Star Wars (1977) 40
- Star Wars (1977) 41
- Star Wars (1977) 42
- Star Wars (1977) 43
- Star Wars (1977) 44