The Star Wars Trilogy, sometimes titled simply Star Wars Trilogy, is a compilation of the novelizations of the original trilogy movies: A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. The collection has been reprinted by Del Rey numerous times since 1987.
- ISBN 9780345348067; May 12, 1987, Del Rey, 471-page US trade paperback[1]
- ISBN 9780345384386; January 23, 1993; Del Rey; 471-page US mass market paperback[2]
- ISBN 9780345453396; July 25, 2002; Del Rey; 705-page US hardcover, 25th Anniversary Collector's Edition[3]
- ISBN 9780345475824; August 31, 2004; Del Rey; 703-page US trade paperback
- ISBN 9780307292216; September 14, 2012; Del Rey; 720-page US leatherbound hardcover; Barnes & Noble Collectible Edition; Darth Vader cover[4]
- ISBN 9780385364959; July 29, 2015; Del Rey; 720-page US leatherbound hardcover; Barnes & Noble Collectible Edition; R2-D2 cover[5]
- ISBN 9780385364942; October 2, 2015; Del Rey; 720-page US leatherbound hardcover; Barnes & Noble Collectible Edition; C-3PO cover[6]
- ISBN 9780525615088; August 29, 2018; Del Rey; 720-page US leatherbound hardcover; Barnes & Noble Collectible Edition; Princess Leia cover[7]
Cover gallery[]
Collected titles[]
- Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope novelization by Alan Dean Foster (ghostwriting for George Lucas)
- Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back novelization by Donald F. Glut
- Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi novelization by James Kahn
- 25 Years of Star Wars Novelizations on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- The Essential Reader's Companion
Notes and references[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The Star Wars Trilogy (Ep. IV: A New Hope; Ep. V: The Empire Strikes Back; Ep. VI: Return of the Jedi) on (backup link)
- ↑ The Star Wars Trilogy (Ep. IV: A New Hope; Ep. V: The Empire Strikes Back; Ep. VI: Return of the Jedi) on (backup link)
- ↑ The Star Wars Trilogy, Episodes IV, V & VI on (backup link)
- ↑ The Star Wars Trilogy (Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions) on Barnes & Noble's official website (backup link)
- ↑ The Star Wars Trilogy (White - R2D2 Special Edition) (Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions) on Barnes & Noble's official website (backup link)
- ↑ The Star Wars Trilogy (Gold - C3PO Special Edition) (Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions) on Barnes & Noble's official website (backup link)
- ↑ The Star Wars Trilogy (Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions) on Barnes & Noble's official website (backup link)
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