"The Virtues of King Han Solo" was a song written by C-3PO during his attempts to aid Han Solo in his courtship of Leia Organa. C-3PO wrote at least fifteen verses for the song which he performed for the Solos in a voice that sounded much like that of popular singer Jukas Alim. The poetic song was meant to convince Organa of the virtues Solo possessed that would make him a worthy husband. Leia and Chewbacca did not like the song.
An excerpt of the song[]
- He's got his own planet,
- Although it's kind of wild.
- Wookiees love him.
- Women love him.
- He's got a winning smile!
- Though he may seem cool and cocky,
- He's more sensitive than he seems,
- Han Solo,
- What a man! Solo.
- He's every Princess's dream!
- The Courtship of Princess Leia (First appearance)
In other languages