



This article is about the Sector Army. You may be looking for the Third Systems Army.

"With your command of the Third Army, I feel we are well on our way to achieving victory."
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, to Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.[3]

The Third Mid Rim Army, also known as the 3rd Sector Army, Steel Blade Command[1] or simply the Third Army,[3][4] was a Republic and later Imperial Sector Army charged with the defense of Sector 3.[1] The 41st Elite Corps was generally considered one of the Third Army's best units.[4]

During the Clone Wars between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Republic, the 3rd Sector Army was intended to be a reserve unit for Mid Rim operations. As such, it was given responsibility for patrol along the Perlemian Trade Route. It often worked alongside the 12th Sector Army extensively during the conflict.[1] In 19 BBY, towards the end of the conflict, the Third Army fell under the command of Jedi Generals Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, alongside clone trooper commander Cody. It participated in a battle on a Separatist-controlled planet, home to a ray shielded city.[3]

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