

"[The Priapulin] even tell time in terms of the tidal shifts of their world; one tidal hour equals ten galactic standard hours."
―Mammon Hoole, The Essential Guide to Alien Species[1]

Tidal hours were a unit of time used by the aquatic Priapulin species of the planet Pria that were based on the tidal shifts of Pria's oceans. By the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War,[2] which began in 25 ABY,[3] tidal hours had been equivalent to ten standard hours for several decades as a result of the so-called "perfect orbit" of Pria's sole moon. Because of this conversion factor, the Pria referred to a standard hour as a "tenth of a tide" and termed a period of five standard hours a "half-tide."[2] At some point during the reign of the New Republic, Anthropologist Mammon Hoole mentioned tidal hours in his book The Essential Guide to Alien Species.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Tidal hours were first mentioned in the 2001 reference book The Essential Guide to Alien Species, written by Ann Margaret Lewis and published as part of the Star Wars: Essential Guides series.[1]


Notes and references[]

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