Tien Tubb was an elderly Sullustan male. Although nearly blind, he retained excellent hearing. He was a mechanic and scientist on Nar Shaddaa during the year 3951 BBY, assisted by IT-31 and TT-32. Though disregarded by many, he was quite skilled, having created a renewable droid shield that could be raised and lowered a near-infinite number of times. Meetra Surik sought his aid in creating a new ID for the Ebon Hawk.
Behind the scenes[]
The name is also misspelled as "Tienn Tubb."
In the cut content of the game, Tien was Bao-Dur's old friend from the Mandalorian Wars when they worked together in the hangar bays and were part of the 12th Engineering Division under the command of the Jedi Exile.
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (First appearance)
External links[]
KOTOR2 on Lucas Feld's profile on ArtStation (backup link)