This timeline is intended to list narrative-based canon media by an in-universe chronology. The list includes films, television episodes, novels, comic books, short stories, video games, and other promotional material.
There are several defined criteria considered when including Star Wars canon media on this timeline:
- Media must have a direct narrative story that is told in-universe. This dictates that reference books, visual guides, and art books are not included in this list, and neither are in-universe media with no narrative, such as replica journals.
- Please refer to the Canon policy for determining whether a given Star Wars work is treated as belonging to the current canon continuity.
- Books that fill all above criteria are listed regardless of intended age range, but the timeline does distinguish between Novels, Junior Novels, and Young Readers books. All Novels are published by Del Rey Books, Random House Worlds, Egmont UK Ltd, or Disney–Lucasfilm Press, the latter of which also publishes most Junior Novels and Young Readers books.
- Categorization of books as either Junior Novels or Young Readers is based on age ranges provided by Disney Publishing Worldwide's online catalogue, however, these age ranges can be inconsistent and unreliable.
- All video games are considered canon regardless of platform or gameplay.
This timeline allows for sorting and filtering by various details including media format and in-universe dates following the 'ABY-BBY' dating system. In-universe or publication eras such as Imperial Era have not been included due to inconsistent use by Lucasfilm.
Placement of media in the timeline observes in-universe chronology. In order to ensure reliability, sources must always be included when providing dates. The order of chronology within the timeline adheres to the following criteria:
- All entries are ordered based on the beginning of the "main events," as defined in the Layout Guide.
- Official sources for timeline placements are always given precedent over "logical" placements.
- The order in which full adaptations are listed are as follows: Film, Novel, Junior Novel, Young Readers, Graphic Novel, Comic Book Miniseries.
- Short story anthologies are broken down into individual titles and placed according to story-specific dates. However, anthologies with consistently connecting narration throughout the stories are treated as one entry.
† - Exact placement currently unknown.
Canon media that is not listed on the timeline currently is tracked here.
Films (F) (click to hide) |
Novels (N) (click to hide) |
Junior novels (JR) (click to hide) |
Young readers (YR) (click to hide) |
Video games (VG) (click to hide) |
Television (TV) (click to hide) |
Comics (C) (click to hide) |
Short stories (SS) (click to hide) |
Adventure/scenario (RPG) (click to hide) |
Audio (A) (click to hide) |
Promotional material (P) (click to hide) |
Adaptations (click to hide) |
Not yet released (click to hide) |