

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 
For other uses, see Tionese.
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Tionese, also called Old Tionese, was formerly the language of the Tion Cluster. It was eventually replaced by Galactic Basic Standard. By the last centuries of the Galactic Republic, its usage was reduced to designating names with its letter names. Its letters were used by organizations such as the Galactic Empire, which used them to designate its squadrons. The Tionese script was an alphabet.[1]

The word vigo meant "nephew" in Old Tionese, and was adopted as a rank in the Black Sun criminal organization.[2]

Letters in Old Tionese[]

Examples of name usage[]

Behind the scenes[]

"It appears that multiple alphabets are in common use, as is evidenced by the existence of names and terms such as R2-D2, attack pattern Delta, Lambda-class shuttle, Aleph-class starfighters, and others stemming from the more visible Aurebesh written script."
Pablo Hidalgo[3]

This article describes the instances of the Greek alphabet in the Star Wars canon. Greek letter names are frequently used both in real life and in science fiction to designate ships, technology, constellations etc.

The 2010 Hyperspace article The Written Word reveals that this is in fact the Tionese alphabet, which would eventually lose popularity in favor of Galactic Basic.[1]



Notes and references[]

External links[]
