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This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

A Toydarian clan bell was a type of large bronze bell used by members of the Toydarian species native to the swamp planet Toydaria.[1] By 32 BBY,[2] the Toydarian junk dealer Watto had purchased a clan bell that signified a noble family and hung it above his nest in the roof of the junkshop he ran in the city of Mos Espa on the planet Tatooine. The bell was present with three sheets of polyfibre netting hanging from it that helped maintain a muck lake atmosphere in the nest when the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn visited the store with a group looking for a T-14 hyperdrive generator.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

In the current Star Wars canon, a Toydarian clan bell was mentioned in the 2016 reference book Star Wars: Complete Locations. It was part of material reprinted[1] from the 2000 reference book Inside the Worlds of Star Wars: Episode I, which was written by Kristin Lund, illustrated by Richard Chasemore and Hans Jenssen, and marked the first mention of the bell in the Star Wars Legends continuity.[4]


Notes and references[]

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