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"Get him!"
―Trauma to his troops, upon sighting Savage Opress[3]

Trauma was an Advanced Recon Force Scout Trooper and Clone Commander who served the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Under the command of Jedi General Halsey, they led the Jedi Master's unit alongside Jedi Commander Knox. In 20 BBY, when Devaron's Temple of Eedit was attacked by Separatist forces, Trauma fought alongside Master Halsey and Padawan Knox in defense of the temple. During the battle, Count Dooku's freshly-christened Sith apprentice Savage Opress arrived and began to turn the tide in the Separatists' favor. Realizing this, Trauma engaged Opress in a brief confrontation but was quickly killed by the deadly Sith apprentice. The remaining Republic defenses, including the two Jedi, fell soon after and the Temple of Eedit was consequently seized by the Separatists.


"There were no survivors on Devaron. Everyone was killed, including Master Halsey and his Padawan."
―Clone Commando Boss, reporting on the fate of the Eedit Temple's defenders[4]
Jungle of Devaron

An overview of the Temple of Eedit.

The Advanced Recon Force Scout Trooper[5] who adopted the name Trauma[6] was a clone of the human male bounty hunter Jango Fett, born and raised on the planet Kamino. They were created to serve in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.[1] They acquired the rank of Clone Commander[6] and was assigned to Halsey's unit, under the command of Jedi General Halsey.[3] In 20 BBY,[2] Trauma and the rest of Halsey's unit, including Jedi Commander Knox, were stationed at the Temple of Eedit on Devaron.[3]


Trauma orders his ARF troopers to attack Savage Opress.

When the Eedit Temple was attacked by the Separatist Droid Army, Trauma and his troops engaged the battle droids outside the Temple's main entrance. Alongside Jedi Master Halsey and Padawan Knox, who stood at the Temple's front steps in an effort to guard the doors, Trauma and his troops almost repelled the invasion force. During the battle however, Count Dooku's newly-anointed Sith apprentice Savage Opress entered Devaron's atmosphere at the behest of his master, and landed his Geonosian solar sailer on the Temple's front walkway. After he had exited his ship, the Sith apprentice violently pushed his way past numerous B1-series battle droids and B2-series super battle droids, eager to confront the Republic forces. He received a single plasma blast from one of Trauma's men, before beginning a slaughter of the Temple's defenders with his spear.[3]


Delta Squad and members of the Jedi High Council discuss the Devaron massacre at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

Trauma, realizing that Opress was near single-handedly winning the battle, ordered their troops to attack him but the apprentice ruthlessly cut down all resistance. Trauma proceeded to charge at Opress and came to a crouched stop in front of the warrior. They attempted to fire their blaster but were killed after being simultaneously stabbed and launched into the air by Opress's spear. After Trauma's death, Opress continued to advance toward the Eedit Temple. He succeeded in murdering both Halsey and Knox, and contacted his master to report that the Temple now fell under their control.[3] After the massacre, Delta Squad retrieved the bodies of the two Jedi on Devaron and transported them to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. They reported back to a group of four Jedi High Council members, including Obi-Wan Kenobi, where clone commando Sergeant Boss stated that the battle left no survivors.[4]

Personality and traits[]

Like all clones of the human male bounty hunter Jango Fett, Trauma stood at 1.83 meters tall.[1] They were quick to engage Savage Opress in combat, whilst defending the Eedit Temple, which ultimately proved to be fatal.[3]

Skills and abilities[]

Trauma and their troops fought well in the Devaron massacre, very nearly repelling the Separatist attack force. However, the commander failed to account for the arrival of the Magick-enhanced Opress. Trauma underestimated the warrior and entered melee range of their opponent during the battle, a mistake that cost them their life.[3]


Trauma was equipped with Phase I ARF armor, which featured stylized green and red markings that were similar in appearance to the armor worn by their subordinates. Additionally, they sported a customized pauldron and kama around his shoulders and waist, respectively. In combat, they wielded a DC-15A blaster carbine that was modified with a stock attachment. They also used two DC-17 blaster pistols, concealed within his waist pockets.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Trauma first appeared as an unidentified character in "Monster,"[3] the thirteenth episode in the third season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series, which aired on January 14, 2011,[7] in which they were voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.[3] Trauma was identified by name in the episode's corresponding guide, released on StarWars.com.[6]



Notes and references[]

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