The Trilon wishing tree, also known as The Batuu Wishing Tree was found in the courtyard of Savi's Workshop at Black Spire Outpost on Batuu. The local inhabitants of the outpost would take strips of scrap fabric, ribbon, or string, tie them to the tree and make a wish. When the fabric or string disintegrated, Batuuans believed the galaxy had granted your wish. The people of Black Spire Outpost felt uneasy about letting people from off-world making wishes at the tree, but, in rare circumstances, would give them ribbon to tie to the tree.[2]
- Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire
- Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire audiobook
- A Crash of Fate
- A Crash of Fate audiobook
- "The Black Spire" — Myths & Fables (Mentioned only) (In flashback(s))
- "The Black Spire" — Myths & Fables audiobook (Mentioned only) (In flashback(s))
- Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge (First appearance)