

For other uses, see Twitch.

"You want to run? Is that it?"
"They're surrounding us. I—I thought…"
―Heater and Twitch[2]

Twitch was a clone trooper who served with the Galactic Republic's 501st Legion during the Clone Wars.[2] In 22 BBY,[3] as the Confederacy of Independent Systems besieged the planet Hisseen, Twitch urged the other clones to retreat before the Separatist Droid Army completely surrounded them, though their fellow trooper Heater objected to the idea of running from the enemy.[2]

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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 StarWars-DatabankII Clone Troopers in the Databank (backup link) establishes that clones were based on the genetic template of the human male bounty hunter Jango Fett and created on the planet Kamino. The entry also states that they stood at a height of 1.83 meters and had tan skin and brown eyes. As Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales 4 establishes that Twitch is a clone trooper, this article assumes he shares all those characteristics except gender.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales 4
  3. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales 4 to 22 BBY.
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