

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 


For other uses, see Uba.

"Being exiled from Uba IV cost us everything. All traces of our lives were erased from Ubese public record."
―Boushh, to his companions[3]

Uba IV was a terrestrial planet occupying the fourth orbital position in the Uba system, a part of the Barsa sector of the Mid Rim Territories. Located on Standard Galactic Grid square J-6, it was the homeworld of the sentient and isolationist Ubese species, including Boushh, Ilini, Hareck, Brene, and Tans. Following the crimes those five Ubese committed, they were exiled from the planet before they became bounty hunters.


A terrestrial planet, Uba IV occupied the fourth orbital position[3] in the Uba system, a part of the Barsa sector[2] of the Mid Rim Territories, and was situated on Standard Galactic Grid square J-6.[1] At least one grassland was located on the planet's surface.[3]


"I can't believe it's been six years since I joined your crew. Seven since I was exiled from Uba IV."
―Brene, to Boushh[3]

The Ubese Boushh, Ilini, Tans, Hareck, and Brene were exiled from Uba IV for crimes they had committed.

At some point, the Tagge Corporation spent generations opening trade routes with Uba IV and continued to maintain a connection with the planet. During that time, the Ubese Boushh, Ilini, Hareck, Brene, and Tans committed crimes on the planet. Boushh's crime led to a settlement being attacked and razed, while Ilini and Hareck were involved in the murder of the former's father and hid his body[3] at some point by 2 BBY.[4] As a result, they were exiled from the planet and all traces of their identities were erased from Ubese public record, leading them to start new lives as bounty hunters.[3]

In 3 ABY,[4] the five Ubese were tasked by the Crimson Dawn criminal syndicate with eliminating the Tagge Corporation's most powerful members. After infiltrating the company's ship, the Acquisitor, and the ensuing skirmish, they ceased hostilities with the head of the Tagge Corporation, Domina Tagge, who offered them a chance to return to Uba IV by utilizing the company's connection to the planet.[3] At some point after the Battle of Mos Espa[5] that took place around 9 ABY,[6] the Weequay pirate Hondo Ohnaka wrote a book titled The Secrets of the Bounty Hunters, in which Boushh's homeworld received a mention in an entry dedicated to him.[5]


"It's unusual to see Ubese off of Uba IV. Ubese society is notoriously isolationist—they rarely even establish trade with outsiders."
―Domina Tagge[3]

Uba IV was the homeworld of the sentient Ubese species, including Boushh, Tans, Hareck, Ilini, and Brene. Ubese society was notoriously isolationist, rarely conducting trade with off-worlders. As such, Domina Tagge considered it unusual to see Ubese outside of their planet. When an Ubese was exiled from Uba IV, their identities were removed from Ubese public record, and they were unable to return and reintegrate into their society.[3]


A settlement was located on a grassland on Uba IV before it was destroyed due to the actions of Boushh.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Uba IV was first mentioned in the new Star Wars canon in the digital card trading application Star Wars: Card Trader on a card released in 2015.[7] The planet made its first appearance in flashbacks in the one-shot comic War of the Bounty Hunters – Boushh 1, written by Alyssa Wong, illustrated by David Baldeón, and published by Marvel Comics[3] on September 15, 2021.[8]

In the Star Wars Legends continuity, Uba IV was first mentioned in Peter M. Schweighofer's 1996 roleplaying sourcebook Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.[9]



Notes and references[]

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