A sentient alien species lived during the Imperial Era. They had dark gray or dark blue skin and possessed an elongated head.[2] One such being was once at the Mrlsst Trade and Science Academy.[1]
Behind the scenes[]

The creature's appearance in the two comics bears a strong similarity to the 'Xenomorph' from the film Alien.
The species first appeared in X-Wing Rogue Squadron 8.[1] The Xenomorph of Alien featured directly in the humorous non-canon comic The Revenge of Tag & Bink where it appeared to be thumb-wrestling a member of the Yautja species from Predator in Chalmun's Cantina.[2]
In Terminators: Five Movie Monsters to Torment Your PCs, an article published in InQuest 39, Wizard Entertainment gave suggestions for how to incorporate monsters from the film Alien, in which Xenomorph aliens had appeared; Terminator; and other films into roleplaying game adventures. Statistics were provided for use in Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, and Vampire: The Masquerade.[3]
- X-Wing Rogue Squadron 8 (First appearance)