A model of mining droid was used to mine Keschel on the planet Tyne's Horky.

A mining droid firing at Mon Julpa.
Putch Gundarian needed these droids in his Keschel mine on the planet Tyne's Horky. He sent his nephew, Jann Tosh, to buy one of them. Jann later exchanged the mining droid for C-3PO, R2-D2, and an anonymous android to save them from Yorpo Mog. Gundy was upset to learn that Jann had traded his work droid once they returned to his camp.
The Dirconite crime lord Kleb Zellock owned multiple mining droids of this series. He mostly used them to either guard or work his Nergon-14 mine. All of his droids were destroyed when his mine over-loaded and self-destructed.
Several of these mining droids were also present on the planet Biitu as captives of the Great Heep.
Behind the scenes[]
These mining droids had a much different appearance in the art of The Lost Prince: A Droid Adventure, featuring bronze colored bodies and bullet shaped heads.
- Droids Spanish picture book (In flashback(s))
Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO — "The Lost Prince" (First appearance)
- The Lost Prince: A Droid Adventure
Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO — "The Great Heep"
The Droids Re-Animated, Part 2 on StarWars.com (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)