Velvet was a soft and plush fabric[1] that was a symbol of wealth and privilege.[2] Garments made of embroidered velvet and silk were a common sight at the balls and receptions held in the Imperial Palace of Coruscant.[1]
Both Finis Valorum and Sheev Palpatine sometimes wore velvet overcloaks during their respective terms as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. During her pregnancy, senator Padmé Amidala sometimes wore a green hooded velvet dress displaying patterns of House Bonteri, with a sash made from Onderon silk, wrapped around her midsection.[3]
Queen Breha Organa of Alderaan owned a dress made from russet silk and blue velvet which she wore when greeting her daughter, Leia, at the Aldera Spaceport, following a mercy mission to the planet Wobani where Leia brought back a hundred refugees.[4]
During his time as senator of Riosa in the New Republic's Galactic Senate, Ransolm Casterfo often wore velvet cloaks and robes.[2]