



"In all my encounters with with [sic] the peace-loving Ithorian people, never have I come across a more non-Ithorian pair than these two."

The Venithon Twins were two Ithorian pirates operating in the Rebellion era.


"Why don't you join me? I know about you and what you've accomplished in the past. You'd make a strong addition to my group."
Safonne Pendon, to Denuab and Dorin Venithon[1]

Dorin Venithon and his brother Denuab Venithon were believed to be born in an Ithorian herdship traveling through Corellian space. The twins somehow grew up in the slum docks of Corellia; probably the herd ship abandoned or lost them.[1]

With a hard childhood, the Venithons became contrary to the Ithorian norm: They valued power and control instead of peace and life as Ithorian usually did. They felt no guilt depriving people from their possessions, dignity or life, and decided to become pirates.[1]

They bought a Ghtroc freighter to an Elomin smuggler who had stolen it, with the original documents conveniently "lost". They then registered the Venithon Bandit under both of their names, and during the following years they refitted it with parts stolen to other, newer Ghtrocs: Only the original hull is left, but it was the only ship the Venithon Twins ever had.[1]

The ship was usually piloted by Denuab, the most reasonable and educated of the two. Dorin performed the raiding, attacking the victims.[1]

The Venithons served in different pirate organizations, such as the Kliap Pirates, the Bandits of Ggy-ynt, the Yarnak Gang and the Fivaran Organization.[1]

While serving the Fivaran Organization, they worked alongside other 46 pirates trying to ride the Hauler VI, a Censian-class transport. The Venithons then discovered that the cargo of the Hauler was 400 SpecForce Marines of the Rebel Alliance army. The Venithons decided to escape, leaving their colleagues behind to be captured or killed.[1]

They eventually began working for the Hy'thor pirate group, operating in Mieru'kar sector under the leadership of Ompiach. The Venithons served the leadership council, which in turn served Ompiach, but the Venithons unofficially had a great amount of power on the council individual members.[1]

On 2 ABY, Ompiach sent the Venithons as envoys to create a treaty among his group and a rival group of pirates led by Safonne Pendon. Although they would rather raid ships, they accepted the task. Unfortunately, the meeting ended in a battle. During the battle, the crossfire damaged a Rebel freighter with an important cargo. The freighter crash-landed on a nearby planet and the Venithons and colleagues, trying to show their value, followed it to plunder it.[1]

Five years later, the Venithon Twins had changed sides and were part of Pendon's pirate gang.[2]


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