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"Verpine choral arrangements. They don't sing, they just rub their legs together!"
Sabine Wren, in her personal journal[1]

The Verpine were an insectoid sentient species that controlled Roche Hive Mechanical Apparatus Design and Construction Activity for Those Who Need the Hive's Machines, a droid manufacturer. Effor was a member of the Verpine species.

Biology and appearance[]

A bipedal insectoid sentient species with green skin,[2] Verpine[1] had a pair of digitigrade legs that terminated in two-toed feet and a pair of[2] saw-blade[4] arms that ended in three-fingered hands. Their heads sat atop a long neck and featured a pair of antenna, two black eyes,[2] and mouthparts.[4]

Society and culture[]

Verpine on Wecacoe

A Verpine in Weacoe city

The Verpine were a hive-based species.[3] Instead of singing, they rubbed their legs together to produce choral arrangements[1] and communicated by chattering. Verpine displayed affection by rubbing their mouthparts together.[4]

Verpines were also known to make expensive weapons that were rare outside Roche Asteroid Field and were sought out by mercenaries, assassins, special forces soldiers, such as the Verpine shatter rifle, Verpine heavy shatter rifle, and the Verpine shatter pistol.[5] They ran the starfighter manufacturer Slayn & Korpil.[6]

They were the namesake of the cruciform Verpine ratchet.[7]

Verpine in the galaxy[]

After the "dreadnought era" ended with the development of cutting-edge turbolasers that could tear apart ray shields, battleships only returned to the spacelanes after Verpine shipbuilders revolutionized deflector shield design, only to fall out of favor once again amid economic strains and Republic restrictions on capital ships larger than modern cruisers.[8]

At some point, the Verpines had peaceful dealings with the Wookiees of Kashyyyk, which contributed to convincing the formerly enslaved species to join the Galactic Republic.[9]

The Roche Hive Mechanical Apparatus Design and Construction Activity for Those Who Need the Hive's Machines manufactured the 8D-series smelter droid.[3] Verpine shipwrights crafted designs that engineer Quarrie aimed to improve upon in his designing of the Prototype B6.[10] The head of Arakyd Industries's RA-7 protocol droid was made to resemble that of the Verpine species.[11]

By the year 1 BBY,[12] a Verpine known as Effor worked at a gladiatorial arena.[2] A Verpine was present in Weacoe city on the planet Wecacoe sometime before the Battle of Scarif.[13] In 5 ABY, a pair of Verpine New Republic advisors were loudly arguing at a table at Izzik's, a restaurant located in Nakadia's planetary capital of Quarrow, prior to the first convening of the Galactic Senate at the Quarrow Senate house. They were later leaning over a different table, lustily rubbing their mouthparts together.[4]

An entry on Verpines was included in "Species From A to Z," a survival compendium sent out by Carson Teva during the New Republic Era.[6]

Behind the scenes[]

The Verpine were first mentioned in the new Star Wars canon in Sabine My Rebel Sketchbook, a young readers book written by Daniel Wallace[1] and released on February 3, 2015.[14] They were originally created for Star Wars (1977) 7, the seventh issue of Marvel Comics' earlier Legends Star Wars comic series,[15] which was first published on October 11, 1977.[16]



Notes and references[]

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