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"Two more X-wings down. That's half our fleet destroyed!"
―Dand reports the loss of two more Resistance fighters[4]

Vober Dand was a Tarsunt male[2] from Suntilla[1] who served in the Resistance's Ground Logistics Division as a controller. Around thirty years after the Battle of Endor,[2] he was stationed in the Resistance's base of operations on the planet D'Qar and was present during the preparations and execution of the Resistance's attack on the First Order's Starkiller Base.[4]

During the evacuation of D'Qar, Dand was stationed on the Resistance flagship, Raddus. Whilst aboard the vessel Dand argued with Captain Poe Dameron about the best way they could reshuffle the fleet's remaining starfighters to defend the ship.[5] He was later present when Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo was given command of the Resistance, and listened to her introductory speech.[6]

Dand was left as one of the few Resistance members to survive the Battle of Crait and started working with his father, Ibdun Dand, who had joined after the Hosnian Cataclysm, as part of the ground crew of the Resistance base on Ajan Kloss[3] in 35 ABY.[7]

After the Resistance and its allies defeated the Sith Eternal forces at the battle of Exegol, Dand celebrated with his father at the Resistance base along with the Kessurian Wilsa Teshlo.[8]

Personality and traits[]

Dand was a stickler for detail and refused to tolerate anyone operating outside of protocol. He wore a yellow GLD controller's coat with "GLD Landing Officer" printed on it in Aurebesh lettering. He also wore a pair of brown pants and boots as well as a comlink headset. Dand had brown hair, black eyes and gray skin.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Vober Dand first appeared in the film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens which was released in 2015.[4] He was not identified in the film, but received a name in Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, which was written by Pablo Hidalgo and released the same day as the film.[2] He was portrayed by Derek Arnold in the film, but was not listed in the end credits.[9]


Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]
