

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 


For other uses, see Waks and Trode.

Waks Trode was an Ishi Tib who,[1] in 19 BBY,[2] was present in the Galaxies Opera House in the Uscru District of the planet Coruscant during a performance of the opera Squid Lake.[3] Trode was stood in one of the building's corridors conversing with[4] fellow Ishi Tib Gume Saam—a senator for the Techno Union[1]—when the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker rushed past them on his way to meet Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.[4] Trode had green skin and brown eyes on prominent eyestalks. While at the opera house, the Ishi Tib wore an old-gold colored coat and robes.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Waks Trode first appeared in the prequel trilogy film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith,[4] which was released on May 19, 2005.[5] The opera house corridor shot was filmed entirely on blue-screen[6] and Trode's costume consisted of an old-gold quilted silk coat and robe.[7] In the current Star Wars canon, the character was first identified in the 2017 reference book Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia.[8] The character's name originated in the Star Wars Legends reference book Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith: The Visual Dictionary, which was written by James Luceno[9] and released prior to the film on April 2, 2005.[10]



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