

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 


For other uses, see Wild Space.

Wild Space, also referred to as the Fringes, was the expanse located in the galactic east beyond the Outer Rim. Wild Space had varied greatly over the years, encompassing all areas of partially explored or charted areas as known throughout various stages of galactic history.


The term "Wild Space" was first used in the Great Manifest Period when discussing the area of partially explored space to the "east" of the galactic core. This area, as it became settled, eventually became known as "the Slice." Over the years, different definitions of Wild Space evolved, dependent upon what was known or unknown to the broader galactic community at the time.[2]

Around 3636 BBY, the Eternal Empire started its conquest of the galaxy from its seat of power on their homeworld Zakuul, within Wild Space. Following the fall of the Eternal Empire in 3631 BBY, skirmishes in Wild Space announced the coming of a new galactic conflict between Galactic Republic and Sith Empire.[11]

One of Palpatine's last acts was to open up much of Wild Space to more extensive exploration.[12]

Wild Space differed from the Unknown Regions in that Wild Space had been explored, whereas the Unknown Regions remained largely unexplored.[2]

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Notes and references[]
