A wingmate, also known as a wingman, referred to a starfighter pilot who flew with the leader of a starfighter squadron.[1] Prior to the Battle of Scarif, rebel pilot Ralo Surrel flew as the wingmate to Red Leader Garven Dreis.[2]
- Star Wars: Card Trader (Card: Stass Allie - Jedi Master - Base Series 1)
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 13 (Databank A-Z: Poe Dameron–Delta 7-B)
- Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 46 (Weapons & Uniforms: Heroes of the Resistance)
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 50 (Helmets: Jessika Pava)
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 57 (Helmets: Wedge Antilles)
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 67 (Weapons & Uniforms: Blade Squadron)
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 74 (Helmets: Ello Asty)
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 75 (Weapons & Uniforms: Green Squadron)
- Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition — First Order Conversion Kit (Card: "Avenger") (Reissued in TIE/vn Silencer Expansion Pack)
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 79 (Helmets: Jek Porkins)
- Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition — Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansion (Card: Veteran Wing Leader)
- Star Wars: Card Trader (Card: C'ai Threnalli - 2020 Base Series)
- "Imperial Troops" — Star Wars Encyclopedia
- Star Wars: The Lightsaber Collection
- Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition — Heralds of Hope Squadron Pack (Card: Seftin Vanik)
- Star Wars: Timelines