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This is a sub-page for quotes by Vergere that have previously been Quote of the Day.

"Listen well. Everything I tell you is a lie. Every question I ask is a trick. You will find no truth in me. Though you believe nothing else, you may rest your faith on this."
Vergere, to Jacen Solo[src]
Jacen: "I was out of control—"
Vergere: "You were not. Don't make excuses."
Jacen: "What?"
Vergere: "Out of control is just code for 'I don't want to admit I'm the kind of person who would do such things.' It's a lie."
Jacen Solo and Vergere[src]
"That is the most valuable lesson one can teach a fanatic: that fanaticism is self-defeating."
Nom Anor: "We are dead, don't you understand? Tsavong Lah will slaughter us."
Vergere: "Ever the optimist. You assume we'll live out the hour."
Nom Anor and Vergere, as Jacen Solo destroys their seedship[src]
Jacen: "All the answers fall short of the truth."
Vergere: "Very good! Very good, Jacen Solo. Questions are more true than answers: this is the beginning of wisdom."
Jacen Solo and Vergere[src]
"Is it what the teacher teaches? Or what the student learns?"
"Orders not backed by force are only suggestions, Jacen Solo."
Vergere, to Jacen Solo[src]
Vergere: "Do you know the definition of a master of defense?"
Luke: "Tell me."
Vergere: "A master of defense is one who is never in the place that is attacked."
Vergere and Luke Skywalker[src]
"A right that is given is as useless as a virtue that is given. Rights are used, or they have no value, just as virtues must be performed."
Nom Anor: "If you kill me—"
Vergere: "Kill you? Don't be silly. If I want you dead, all I have to do is leave you behind. Tsavong Lah will take care of the rest."
Nom Anor: "But you can't leave me behind. You can't fly my craft. It's imprinted on me. Only I can—"
Vergere: "That may be true. But I doubt it. Your coralcraft is, after all, a living creature—and Jacen, you may have noticed, has a certain gift for making friends."
Nom Anor: "You—he—you're mad! This can't be happening!"
Vergere: "Executor, didn't I say Jacen Solo will steal your ship? When will you learn that everything I tell you is the truth?"
Nom Anor and Vergere, escaping from the Battle of the World-Well[src]
Nom Anor: "Jacen Solo has, for the moment, an alarming degree of freedom."
Vergere: "Freedom is always alarming."
Nom Anor and Vergere, discussing Jacen Solo[src]
"His belief that evil was an illusion did not save him."
Vergere, on the death of Magister Hal[src]
"A lightsaber is an interesting weapon. A blade unique in the history of warfare. A paradox, not unlike the Jedi who wield it: those peaceful warriors, who kill in the service of life. Have you ever noticed? The blade is round. It has no edge. But it is a lightsaber—which means it is nothing but edge. There is no part of this blade that does not cut. Curious, yes? Symbolic, one might say."
Jacen: "Stay away from me, Vergere. I mean it."
Vergere: "I believe you. But what matters your meaning? How will you prevent me? Will you slay? Will you maim? Cripple your friend Vergere? No? Break a bone, then—above the wrist, if you don't mind. It should heal cleanly enough to be a merely temporary inconvenience."
Jacen: "Vergere—"
Vergere: "Inflict pain. Twist my elbow. Pluck feathers from my crest. Otherwise, sit down and show me your ribs. Orders not backed by force are only suggestions, Jacen Solo."
Vergere takes a look at Jacen Solo's chest[src]
Jacen: "I just feel—I don't know. I hated it. I wanted it out of me. I wanted it dead—but, you know, while it was in me…it made me part of something. Like in the Nursery. During the fight, it was almost like having the Force again. Now—"
Vergere: "You feel empty. You feel alone. Lonely. Almost frightened, but also strong, yes?"
Jacen: "How?..."
Vergere: "The name for what you are feeling is freedom."
Jacen: "Some freedom."
Vergere: "How did you expect it to feel? You are free, Jacen Solo, and that can be lonely, and empty, and frightening. But it is also powerful."
Jacen Solo and Vergere, after Jacen's slave seed was removed[src]
Vergere: "Light and dark are no more than nomenclature: words that describe how little we understand. What you call the dark side is the raw, unrestrained Force itself: you call the dark side what you find when you give yourself over wholly to the Force. To be a Jedi is to control your passion…but Jedi control limits your power. Greatness—true greatness of any kind—requires the surrender of control. Passion that is guided, not walled away. Leave your limits behind."
Jacen: "But—but the dark side—"
Vergere: "If your surrender leads to slaughter, that is not because the Force has darkness in it. It is because you do."
Jacen: "Me? No—no, you don't understand—the dark side is, it's, it's, don't you see it? It's the dark side. The dark side…"
Vergere: "The only dark side you need fear, Jacen Solo, is the one in your own heart."
Jacen Solo and Vergere[src]
"Sith? Jedi? Are these the only choices? Dark or light, good or evil? Is there no more to the Force than this? What is the screen on which light and dark cast their shapes and shadows? Where is the ground on which stands good and evil?"
Jacen: "You—you are a Jedi!"
Vergere: "No, I am not. Nor am I Sith."
Jacen: "What are you, then?"
Vergere: "I am Vergere. What are you?"
Jacen Solo and Vergere[src]
Vergere: "The rise or fall of a civilization can depend on the decision made in a fragment of a second. There are many seconds in a day. How many seconds can you regret? How many choices?"
Jacen: "Only the bad ones."
Vergere and Jacen Solo[src]
Vergere: "Perhaps you can tell me what has happened to the Republic in my absence. Tell me why the thousands of Jedi Knights I expected to contact on my return no longer exist, why there are only a few score half-trained young Jedi in their place, and what all of this has to do with this Sith Lord you mentioned on Coruscant, this Vader, your grandfather, whom I remember as that turbulent little Padawan, Anakin Skywalker."
Jacen: "Well, you'd better sit down again, because this is a very long story."
Vergere and Jacen Solo, during the Yuuzhan Vong War[src]
Jacen: "All the Yuuzhan Vong can do is kill me. But the dark side…"
Vergere: "Why is it so to be feared?"
Jacen: "My grandfather was a Lord of the Sith."
Vergere: "What? Of the Sith? I had thought that you were of Skywalker blood."
Jacen: "I am. My grandfather was Anakin Skywalker. He became Darth Vader, the last Sith Lord—"
Vergere: "Anakin? Little Anakin? A Lord of the Sith? Oh… oh, could it not have been otherwise? What a tragedy… What a waste."
Jacen Solo and Vergere[src]
"You made the choice, and it was uncoerced. For you to question such a choice is not simply useless, but harmful. Such doubts will chain the mind to an endless circle of pointless speculation and self-recrimination. You should prepare yourself to live with the consequences of your decisions, whatever they may be."
Vergere, to Jacen Solo[src]

(The content of this page is current up to: January 31, 2013)
