



This article is about the language. You may be looking for the race who spoke it.
Got A Bad feeling

I have a bad feeling about this…

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"Where in the galaxy do they speak such language?"
"Maybe nowhere."
―Han Solo and Luke Skywalker[1]

Yuuzhan Vong was the extra-galactic language spoken by the Yuuzhan Vong species and their Chazrach slaves. It was a highly guttural language, and Basic speakers often thought of it as sounding like coughs and snarls. Few Yuuzhan Vong learned to speak Basic (which they considered "clicky"), and instead preferred to use tizowyrms as translators.

The Deception sect, the followers of Yun-Harla spoke their own dialect of Yuuzhan Vong. According to C-3PO, Yuuzhan Vong was similar to Janguine.


Word order[]

The most common word order in Yuuzhan Vong was Verb-Object-Subject (VSO), except when the verb was to be, in which case the order was Subject-Verb-Object (SVO). Adverbs and adjectives followed the part of speech they modified.


The plural form of a Yuuzhan Vong noun was formed by adding -'o: Yun (god) and Yun'o (gods)

Possessive constructions[]

Singular possessives in Yuuzhan Vong were usually formed by affixing the item to the possessor: Yun'tchilat '(a) god's will'. Plural possessives took the ending -tu: nom'o-tu tchilat 'the enemies' will.' Some nouns, however, could not take a possessive marker, and so the marker was affixed to the possessed item instead. The ending -te was used for nouns ending in "t," and -tu for items ending in other letters: tchilatte Yun-Yuuzhan (Yun-Yuuzhan's will), or canbin-tu ro'ik (the enemy's fort). There was also a special honorific possessive prefix, Al', used with names and titles; Al'Shimrra (Shimrra's). Note that possessive pronouns had no special form, but always took a possessive suffix: tiu-tu 'mine.'

To be[]

The Yuuzhan Vong had two words for the Basic verb to be: "pryozz," and "sos." The former was used with the first and second person (a broad transcription would be "am"), while sos was used with the third person (corresponding somewhat to "is"). Like Mando'a, Yuuzhan Vong often left out the verb to be, so "the youths are enemies" could be said as "Yenagh'o sos nom'o," or "Yenagh'o nom'o."


There were no regular articles in Yuuzhan Vong; indefinite and definite forms of nouns were derived entirely from context. There was, however, an emphatic definite article tur; or the, which was used exclusively for emphasis. There was also a rarely used singular emphatic definite article sen; or the only, used to signify an object's uniqueness.

Known phrases[]

  • Al' tanna Shimrra knotte Yun'o! ("Long life to Shimrra, beloved of the gods") This phrase referred to Supreme Overlord Shimrra and was generally an exclamation.
  • Belek tiu. ("Command me." Often spoken in the presence of those in a higher position of power or respect than the user; accompanied by putting both fists on the opposite shoulder (us-hrok), and meant both as an apology and as a way of asking permission to continue speaking) - Tu Shoolb frequently used this phrase in the presence of Prefect Da'Gara.
  • Bos sos si? ("What is that?")
  • Brenzlit ("timid," used as an insult; seems to refer to a creature)
  • Bruk tukken nom canbin-tu. ("weaken the hinges of the enemy's fort.")
  • Bruk tukken Vong pratte, al'tanna brenzlit tchurokk! ("Make weak the Yuuzhan Vong, witness the timid, may they live long!")
  • Do-ro'ik vong pratte! ("And woe to our enemies." The battle cry of the Yuuzhan Vong warrior caste. It was used to unleash their most primal emotions in time of great battle)
  • Duwin tur voxyn. ("release the voxyn")
  • Dwi, kane a bar. (insult, perhaps meant to be "Dwi, kanabar"; a response to "Yaga?")
  • Eia dag lightsabers, Duman Yaght. Yenagh doa Jeedai. ("They have lightsabers, Duman Yaght. These youths are Jedi.")
  • Fas! (possibly an exclamation or curse word)
  • Fy'y Roog! Fy'y Roog! (battle cry of the Shaper caste of the Yuuzhan Vong)
  • Gadma dar, Ganner Rhysode. ("Welcome, Ganner Rhysode.")
  • Grishna br'rok ukal-hai hrrl osam'ga akren hu akri vushta (unknown meaning)
  • Guvvuk ("move")
  • Hurr (interjection, possibly meaning "maybe, perhaps")
  • Hrosha-Gul ("price of pain")
  • Hu-carjen tok! (reaction to intense pain)
  • Izai (promise in the spirit of the promise)
  • Kanabar ("Worker")
  • Kane a bar ("Dung of a meat maggot")
  • Ket (period of time, probably a week)
  • Khapet (A curse)
  • Khattazz al'Yun ("Avatar of God") - Jacen Solo was given this title after his conversion with the True Way.
  • Klekket ("two months")
  • Krel os'a hmi va ta! (defiance in the face of overwhelming odds)
  • Mon-mawl rrish hu camasami! ("Leave me alone!")
  • Nang hul ("thud bug")
  • Nikk pryozz ("I am ___")
    • nikk pr'zzyo ("I was ___")
  • pazhkic Yuuzhan'tar al'tirrna ("World Brain of Yuuzhan'tar")
  • Phahg (Strong exclamation, possibly a curse)
  • Pol dwag, kane a bar. (insult, perhaps meant to be; 'Pol dwag, kanabar.', which was most likely an order)
  • Puul (interjection, possibly meaning no)
  • Qorih (Something without honor)
  • Remaga corlat, migan yam? (Where are you going?)
  • Rrush'hok ichnar vinim'hok! ("Die well, brave warrior!")- This was a blessing among the Yuuzhan Vong.
  • Sha grunnik ith-har Yun-Shuno. (Prayer to Yun-Shuno, asking for redemption)
  • skerr kyrric ("Vonduun Crab armor")
  • Taan Yun-forqana zhoi! (battle cry of the Priest caste of the Yuuzhan Vong)
  • Tizo'pil Yun'tchilat ("Day of Knowing the Will of the Gods")
  • Tsaisi (Baton of rank)
  • Tsii dau poonsii ("cause the mouth to close")
  • Tsup ("Slave who tends a master in unseemly ways". So obscene it was antiquated by the time of the Invasion)
  • Tchurokk Yun'tchilat! ("Witness the will of the Gods!")
  • Tchurrokk sen khattazz al'Yun, tchurrok'tiz! (Behold, the avatar of the god, behold him!)
  • Tu'q (a "solid hit," specifically in terms of a debate)
  • Ukla-na vissa crai! (exclamation on seeing a pendant of Yun-Yammka)
  • Viccae ("anger in pride")
  • Yaga? (interrogative, said by a confused worker)
  • Yadag dakl, ignot! (reaction to insult)
  • Yorik-et ("coralskipper")
  • Yun ("God/Goddess", literally "Great One", plural "Yun'o")
  • Yun-Harla ("Trickster Goddess, Cloaked Goddess")
  • Yun-Ne'Shel ("She-who-shapes")
  • Yun-Shuno ("God of the Shamed", the Pardoner)
  • Yun-Txiin ("God-of-love")
  • Yun-Q'aah ("God-of-hate")
  • Yun-Yammka ("Slayer God")
  • Yun-Yuuzhan ("Creator God")
  • Yuth Ugg! ("Get Back!")
  • Yuuzhan'tar ("Crèche of the Gods", literally, "Creator's Crèche")
  • Yuuzhan Vong ("Children of Yun-Yuuzhan")
  • Zhaelor ("truth")
  • Zhaetor-zhae ("glory")


It must be noted that the following section contains words derived from the above phrases, and may not be accurate in all cases.

Note that Yuuzhan Vong have no words for amnesty,[2] mercy,[2] sorrow, forgive,[3] or forgiveness, as such a concept was unknown in their culture of sacrifice and unquestioning obedience. The words bioengineer[3] and scientist[3] are also not present, as the duties of these professions are encapsulated by the Shaper caste.


  • Bar - "meat-maggot"
  • Dau - "mouth"
  • Do - "woe"
  • Harla - "cloaked one," "trickster"
  • Jeedai - "Jedi"
  • Kanabar - "worker"
  • Kane - "dung"
  • Khattazz - "avatar," "representative"
  • Khot - "beloved"
  • Nom - "enemy" (of a people or country)
  • Q'aah - "hate"
  • Ro'ik - "enemy" (of an idea)
  • Tchilat - "will," "plan"
  • Tukken - "hinge" (there is no plural for hinge in Yuuzhan Vong, as their doors are organic and are connected to the wall)
  • Tu'q - "a solid hit"
  • Txiin - "love"
  • Viccae - "anger-in-pride"
  • Vong - "child"
  • Yammka - "slayer"
  • Yenagh - "youth"
  • Yorik - "coral"
  • Yun - "god"
  • Yuuzhan - "creator"
  • Zhaelor - "truth"
  • Zhaetor-zhae - "glory" (possibly merely Zhaetor, as when Prefect Da'Gara was speaking to Danni Quee, he frequently tripped over himself in his effort to not revert back to Yuuzhan Vong)


  • Belek - "command!" (imperative mood, stem is perhaps bele)
  • Bruk - "weaken!" (imperative mood; stem is perhaps bru)
  • Dag - "to have"
  • Duwin - "to release"
  • Guvvuk - "move!" (imperative mood, stem is perhaps guvvu)
  • Poonsii - "to close"
  • Pryozz - "am" (first person singular of Basic to be)
  • Shel - "to shape," "to form"
  • Sos - "is" (singular form of Basic to be)
  • Tanna - "to live long"
  • Tchurokk - "witness!", "behold!" (imperative mood; stem is perhaps tchurok)
  • Tsii - "to cause"

Adjectives and adverbs[]

  • Brenzlit - "timid"


  • Doa - "these"
  • Eia - "they"
  • Hu - "it" (debated)
  • Ne - "she"
  • Nikk - "I"
  • Prat - "us" (debated)
  • Si - "that"
  • Tiu - "me"
  • Tiz - "him"


  • Sor - "against"

Other words[]

  • Bos - "what?"
  • Dwi - "yes" as an affirmative response
  • Puul - "no"
  • Qe'u - "hey, you there!"
  • Remaga - "where?"
  • Sen - "the only" (used of unique objects)
  • Tur - "the" (used for emphasis)


  • In Yuuzhan Vong language, the word commonly translated as "peace" literally meant "willing and appropriate submission from conquered to conqueror."
  • Bruk tukken, which literally meant "to weaken the hinge," came to mean simply "make weak," as in a military or economic sense.
  • In Yuuzhan Vong, the words nom and ro'ik both appear to mean "enemy." Nom appears to refer to the enemy of a nation or people (the New Republic was the enemy of the Empire), whereas Ro'ik appears to refer to the enemy of an idea (the Jedi are enemies of the Sith).



Notes and references[]

In other languages