“我明白你的意思了,先生。我想向你提供一个新策略,R2. 让那个伍基人获胜。”
伍基人是一个身材高大,全身毛茸茸的物种,来自于卡希克行星,最高能长到整整3米。[21] 他们从头到脚都覆盖着一层厚厚的、毛茸茸具有防水特性的毛发,[3]主要有棕色、[4]黑色、[5]灰色和白色四种发色。 该物种有两种性别,雌性和雄性。[6] 后者在成年后会长出长长的胡须。[15] 伍基人的眼睛颜色包含从蓝色到[4]棕色不等。[7]
Wookiees had extendable claws which they used for climbing; using them for anything else violated the 伍基荣誉准则。[22] Despite their fearsome appearance and volatile temperament, Wookiees were regarded as intelligent, sophisticated, loyal and trusting. When angered, Wookiees were known to descend into a berserker rage.[21] Wookiees had a long lifespan, appearing not to age over a span of fifty years.[23] One Wookiee, Lohgarra, lived healthily for centuries—the only distinction being her white fur.[6] They could learn to understand other 語言s, like Galactic Basic, but they were physically unable to speak them. To those who had not learned to understand 希里伍克語, the Wookiee language,[24] it appeared they spoke in a series of growls and purrs. Although rare, it was possible for Wookiees to be born Force-sensitive and become 絕地, a source of great pride. One such Wookiee was the youngling, Gungi.[25]
Wookiees originated on the Mid Rim forest planet of Kashyyyk. In the ancient past, they invented and crafted weapons that fired poisoned darts and arrows.[26] During the Clone Wars, the Wookiees remained fiercely loyal to the 銀河共和國 and fought alongside them in several star systems.[15] Towards the end of the conflict, Wookiee forces also defended their homeworld from a Separatist invasion with the help of Galactic Republic forces led by 絕地大師 尤達, who had good relations with them.[17]
Following the establishment of the 銀河帝國, the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk was blockaded by the Empire. The softening and repeal of anti-slavery laws ultimately led to the Empire classifying the Wookiees as non-sentient.[19] The Empire enslaved the Wookiees not because they were a meaningful threat to the Empire but because their massive, robust physiology allowed them to work long and hard in extreme conditions.[13]
As a result, many Wookiees were forced into slavery building much of the Imperial war machine,[13] sent to be worked to death in the dangerous spice mines of the planet 凱瑟,[15] or on construction sites such as the Death Star, though a number escaped this fate.[12] Numerous Wookiees were bred for use in medical experimentation, and some were used as playthings for Grand Moff Lozen Tolruck, Imperial governor of Kashyyyk, who occasionally hunted live Wookiees for sport.[13]
To keep them in line, all of the Wookiees on Kashyyyk were fitted with inhibitor chips that caused them great pain if activated. The Empire also quickly learned the most efficient way of preventing any wide-scale uprisings was by threatening clan and family members, particularly the younglings. Normally, a Wookiee would quite willingly rip a stormtrooper limb from limb regardless of their own safety, but could not bear to see other Wookiees subjected to the agony instead.[13]
Despite these grave circumstances for their race, the Wookiees nonetheless found ways to help others. In the early days of the Empire, the Outer Rim planet of Lasan, home to the Lasat, was brutally sacked and devastated by the Empire for daring to question the new regime. Unable to stand by and watch, many Wookiees went to Lasan and fought the Empire with weapons forged from the wroshyr trees of their homeworld, in many cases giving their own lives to save the Lasats. Because of their actions, a few Lasats (including Garazeb Orrelios) were able to escape the genocide and survive in the wider galaxy.
During the Age of the Empire, the-then Commodore Thrawn and Lieutenant Commander Eli Vanto discovered evidence that the Empire was transporting enslaved Wookiees after responding to a distress transmission from the troop transport Sempre. The Wookiee slaves were liberated by a task force consisting of the frigate Castilus and two squadrons of V-19 Torrent starfighters, which then attacked the space station Lansend Twenty-Six, where more Wookiee slaves were held. Thrawn commanded the operation to reinforce Baklek Base and forced the insurgents to surrender. When Vanto objected to slavery, Thrawn tried to rationalize the Empire's enslavement of Wookiees.[27]
About fourteen years after the establishment of the Empire,[15] the 212th Attack Battalion led by 將軍 Kahdah quelled a Wookiee revolt on Kashyyyk. Civilian travel to the planet was restricted and access was granted only for official government business.[28] Shortly later, the Empire transported several captives including Wullffwarro and his son Kitwarr to the spice mines of Kessel. The Spectres, a rebel cell based on the 外層區域 world of Lothal, rescued the prisoners and escaped Kessel.[29]
During the 銀河內戰, several Wookiees including 秋巴卡[4] and Lohgarra fought for the 反抗軍同盟[6] and its successor government, the 新共和國.[12] One year following the 恩多戰役, the Wookiee homeworld had become an Imperial remnant known as Imperial territory G5-623 led by Grand Moff Tolruck. Kashyyyk was later liberated by the New Republic forces. Working with a group of rebels led by 韓蘇洛 and Chewbacca, the former Imperial loyalty officer Sinjir Rath Velus used a hyperspace transceiver to neutralize Tolruck's inhibitor chips. This enabled the Wookiees to rise up enmasse against the Imperial occupiers and take their well-earned revenge, with Grand Moff Tolruck being personally killed by his personal slave, Cracktooth. The Imperial forces attempted to orbital bombard Kashyyyk but were defeated by a New Republic fleet led by 莉亞·歐嘉納 and Admiral Ackbar.[13]
Wookiee and New Republic forces then conducted mopping-up operations against the remaining Imperial holdouts on Kashyyyk. During one of these skirmishes, Chewbacca reunited with his son Lumpawaroo, who had escaped from a slave labor camp run by Commandant Dessard.[16]
Wookiee buildings blended with their environment.
Most Wookiees carried bowcasters as weaponry, which were handcrafted.[26] The Wookiee people by and large hated Trandoshans, who were renowned as great hunters.[30] The highest way a Wookiee could compliment someone was to groom them.[6] In Wookiee society, loyalty and courage were valued as sacrosanct tenets.[21]
—— 胡扬 教授对冈吉说[来源]
Some notable Wookiees included Chewbacca, the navigator and long-time companion of Han Solo.[31] Other noteworthy Wookiees including the chief and general Tarfful (who fought alongside Master Yoda during the Battle of Kashyyyk)[17], the warrior Wullffwarro, and his son Kitwarr.[29] One known Force-sensitive Wookiee was the Jedi youngling Gungi, who lived during the Clone Wars.[25] During the Age of the Empire, Black Krrsantan was a Wookiee who worked as a bounty hunter for both Jabba the Hutt and Darth Vader.[5]
Another Wookiee Greybok played an important role in turning the tide of the Battle of Sevarcos by freeing several rancors, which rampaged the Imperial lines.[12] Later, he took part in Han Solo and Chewbacca's campaign to liberate Kashyyyk.[13] While serving as a senator in the New Republic's 新共和國參議院, Leia Organa once saw two Wookiee commuters in front of her on an automated sidewalk at the New Republic senatorial complex on 霍斯連恩主行星.[32]
The word "Wookiee" originated in George Lucas's first movie, THX 1138, in a line ad-libbed by actor Terry McGovern: "I think I just ran over a Wookiee."[33] Since Chewbacca's premiere in the first Star Wars film, Wookiees have appeared in numerous Star Wars Legends including The Star Wars Holiday Special, the early Marvel Star Wars comics, and the BioWare roleplaying game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. In addition, Wookiees have also appeared in numerous Canon products including both the Original and Prequel trilogies, the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, and Chuck Wendig's Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.
The Wookiees also appeared in the non-Canon LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures episode "Peril on Kashyyyk", which premiered on Disney XD on June 27, 2016. Like in the Legends and Canon storylines, the Wookiees are depicted as having an antagonistic relationship with the Trandoshans, who act as Imperial proxies on Kashyyyk. In the episode, the scavenging Freemakers family help Chief Attabura to rescue his son Tantarra from a Trandoshan island fortress.
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