
You must have known you'd see me again.

——Enfys Nest, to Tobias Beckett[src]

恩菲斯·內斯特(Enfys Nest)是《星際大戰》中的角色,在銀河帝國時期領導盜賊組織雲騎士團的人,平時蒙面,真實身分為一受到帝國手下黑幫迫害,起身反抗的女輕女性。與貝克特·托拜厄斯[2]韓索羅兩度交手。[3] Nest wore a battle helmet[4] and was an extremely dangerous marauder who quickly forged an infamous reputation.[1]後來韓索羅決定幫助她和她的行動,她後來成為反抗軍的一分子。 Template:Char-stub


To understand who Enfys is, you first kinda think you gotta understand who Woody Harrelson plays, which is a character named Beckett.

——Jon Kasdan, on Enfys Nest[src]

該角色是為了2018年的電影星際大戰外傳:韓索羅而創造的角色。The character's name was officially revealed on a Denny's-exclusive Topps trading card.[5] A French trading card from LECLERC specified Nest's gender as female,[1] but Star Wars Insider 180 contradicted this referring to the character as a male,引用错误:无效<ref>标签;无效名称,可能是过多 while the Databank doesn't list the character's gender,[6] leaving Nest's gender unknown.




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Solo: A Star Wars Story (LECLERC)
  2. StarWars "Big Game" TV Spot - Solo: A Star Wars StoryStarWars.com
  3. Choose Your Destiny: A Han & Chewie Adventure
  4. Breznican, Anthony. EW Solo the Official Guide by Pablo Hidalgo. Entertainment Weekly. 2018-02-16. 
  5. 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为Topps Dennys的引用提供文字
  6. StarWars-DatabankII Enfys Nest in the Databank (backup link)

See also[]

  • Serji-X Arrogantus