正     史 传     说

"Coruscant, the capital of the Republic. The entire planet is one big city."


科洛桑星英文Coruscant;国际音标:/'kɔɹəsɑnt/)在帝国时期又称帝国中心(英文:Imperial Center),是一颗接受了彻底改造的城市行星,位于核心世界科洛桑星系。据传说,这颗星球可能是人类的母星,不过,它的人口中的外星人比例依然包括了很大一部分。


科洛桑在银河系的政治演变中也同样占据了重要地位,从叱咤千年的银河共和国时期,到一夜崛起的银河帝国时期,科洛桑始终是全银河系的政治中心、行政中心,以至于世人盛传“得科洛桑者得天下”(英文:Whoever controlled Coruscant, controlled the galaxy)。此外,科洛桑也是绝地武士团的家园——绝地圣殿的所在地。

5 ABY时,新共和国决定打破沿袭了千年的传统,不再设置永久首都,而是由数个成员行星轮流担当首都。不过,科洛桑依然是银河议会的驻在星球,在银河系内依然具有很强的影响力。在冷战期间,科洛桑站在了集权派一边,希望能建立更为紧密的政府机构和更强大的军队以保护共和国。

描述[ | ]

天文[ | ]

Palpatine: "Do you know the rarest resource on Coruscant, my boy?"
Skywalker: "I... I'm not sure."
Palpatine: "Sky. Down here, the sun is a myth."


科洛桑是一颗被高密度城市完全覆盖的星球,其地理位置位于核心世界科洛萨星区科洛桑分区[1] 整颗星球围绕一颗小型恒星公转,近日点距离为207000000千米,远日点为251000000千米,公转时间为365个太阳日,它的直径是12240千米,自转时间约为24小时[7]


由于它的运行轨道相对较远,可以获得的光照不足,因此科洛桑的自然气候其实并不适合大部分物种生存,不过由于人工改造的介入以及城市热岛效应,星球的表面的温度还是被控制在了合理范围内。[4] 同时,科洛桑的建筑大都建立了人工控制系统以调节环境,可以对不同楼层环境系统进行微控。[13]


银河城[ | ]


You see that? Out there are the little people you're representing so proudly. You know what they're going to do if you ever get in trouble or need help?"
"No. What?"
"Absolutely nothing. You'll be as forgotten as yesterday's breakfast. I'm the one you want to impress, Ms. Pryce. Men and women like me. Not Daisie what's-her-name out there. We're the ones with the power to make or break you. You'd be well advised to remember that.

——Wealthy landowner Chesna Braker to political upstart Arihnda Pryce, discussing establishing a political power base on Coruscant[来源]

Coruscant landscape RotS

The cityscape of Coruscant

科洛桑的地表是一片人工景观,由无数的城市建筑与摩天大楼组成,它们也因此得名“银河城”(英文:Galactic City)[1]。高密度的建筑层层堆叠,从昏暗不见天日的第1层一直到高耸入云的第5127层,垂直落差高达6000多米。[7] Galactic City was divided into sectors named by designated coordinates. Some sectors also had unofficial names. Sector H-46 was unofficially named Sah'C Town. Sectors were further divided into zones, with zones determined by purpose, such as financial, senatorial, or industrial zones. 在银河共和国时期,联邦区又被称为议会区,是整颗星球的政治中心,包括银河议会总部——议会大厦、供最高议长和政府首脑使用的议会办公大厦市政府大厦以及银河法院,联邦区同样是绝地武士团总部——绝地圣殿的坐落地点,此地还有共和国500号大厦,一座专供科洛桑各行领袖居住的豪华建筑。[4]在银河帝国时期,联邦区接受了大规模改造,兴建了许多防御工事,而绝地圣殿也在皇帝的要求下被改建成了帝国宫,并和海军情报总部 and the massive COMPNOR arcology[13]一道构成人们俗称的“超级三角”which housed the city-block-sized Central Office of the 帝国安全局[7] Next to the 联邦区 was the Verity District, which under the Empire housed the Hall of Adjudication, the Hall of Imperial Register, the Institute to Preserve Imperial History, and the ISB Academy and Offices.[21]

Coruscant at night

Night view of Galactic City

The planet's skylanes directed the air-traffic of airspeeders via 自动导航系统 that moved the speeders along preprogrammed routes. As such crashes were extremely rare.[7] Precautions were taken though with and skytunnels incorporating bombproof shields and high-level tracking systems, and most structures on Coruscant had defensive shields to protect windows from stray and out-of-control vehicles.[4] Owing to the planet's prominence in terms of galactic affairs, Coruscant's Galactic City housed numerous governmental offices and inter-galactic headquarters in its winding depths. The central planning strategy offices of the food giant TaggeCo could be found within the city, along with the droid research institutes funded by Cybot Galactica, and the Bank of the Core, one of the galaxies largest financial institutions.[4] The towers were symbols of power and authority, and the largest could hold populations of well over a million.[4] The planet's residents were known as the Coruscanti[13] and of the estimated one trillion inhabitants of the planet, 68% were believed to be human.[7] 在科洛桑,居住高度就是财富和地位的象征,科洛桑城市的最底层暗无天日,不仅不适合居住,还有各种怪异的生物在其中游荡。在底层之上是underlevels,目前已知的宜居层是第5层——— The super-towers on Level 5217 remained home to the ultra-wealthy.[4] Furthering this class divide, citizens who lived in the upper levels were able to breathe air that was filtered and clean, while lower-class inhabitants were forced to breathe the air of toxic fumes from factory and vehicular waste.[7] As such, most visitors to Coruscant chose to bring their own air supply to last the length of their stay.[4]

历史沿革[ | ]

早期历史[ | ]

据推测,[3]科洛桑是人类的发源地,[20]他们最终迈向了宇宙,并在银河系内四处探索、殖民,而科洛桑也成为了银河系中影响力最大的星球之一。Coruscant was one of the Republic's original Core World founders, and outmaneuvered its early rivals to become the economic and cultural engine of civilization as it expanded along newly chartered hyperspace routes. As these early hyperspace lanes became well-established trade routes, increasing numbers of alien species migrated towards Coruscant. Coruscant's effective status as center of the Republic led to it being awarded the coordinates 0-0-0 on all standard navigation charts.[4]

很久以前,西斯曾在科洛桑建立了一座神龛,后来绝地将西斯驱逐出科洛桑之后,他们又在西斯神龛之上建立起了绝地圣殿(科洛桑星)[13]旧共和国建立后,科洛桑成为了这个国家的首都,[24]并一直保持到了银河共和国时期。[9] With the planet's near-galactic importance, many born on backwater worlds dreamed of arriving on the bustling planet to make it big, only to find themselves relegated to low-level positions and subjected to a life of crime and violence. Nonetheless, it was largely accepted that whoever controlled Coruscant—controlled the galaxy.[4]

共和国末期[ | ]

Template:See also

I will not let this Republic that has stood for a thousand years be split in two. My negotiations will not fail."
"If they do, you must realize there aren't enough Jedi to protect the Republic. We are keepers of the peace, not soldiers.

——Palpatine and Mace Windu[来源]

File:Senate District ROTS.png

The Federal District during the Republic's last years

32 BBY时,银河共和国维持了上千年之久的和平最终被打破,当时的最高议长菲尼斯·瓦罗伦执政无力,加上议会内部暗流涌动。导致纳布星与贸易联盟之间的冲突在表面上升级(实则是希夫·帕尔帕廷与贸易联盟沆瀣一气,刻意制造纷争)。最后,瓦洛伦被议会胁迫,不得不黯然下台,希夫·帕尔帕廷接任成为新一任最高议长。[27]

22 BBY杜库伯爵发动分离主义运动,并率领数个星系组建了独立星系邦联。许多商业组织暗中为分离主义运动提供支持,并帮助他们组建了以机器人为核心的邦联军。由于对手人数众多,单靠绝地武士难以应对,因此银河议会通过了一项决议,宣布组建银河共和国千年来的第一支正规军队——大共和国军[14]

战争时期[ | ]

Template:See also

The shroud of the dark side has fallen. Begun, the Clone War has.


克隆人战争 became one of the most turbulent times in galactic history[9] and the first, full scale war in over a thousand years.[14] As the capital of the Republic, Coruscant, already a hotbed of political intrigue, became a target for both military and political reasons. Situations and events that were unthinkable centuries before became commonplace.[9] Even prior to the beginning of the war, changes could be seen in the Republic. The Senate, already corrupt and bloated found it difficult to respond, delegating emergency powers to Palpatine. The Chancellor himself brought changes such as implementing the use of his personal Red Guards instead of the Senate Guards.[14] As the Grand Army and the Republic Navy spread across the galaxy to defend the Republic, the Jedi, long taking the stand of being peacekeepers not soldiers, took charge of the military as commanders and generals. The dramatic changes were noted by both the Jedi and the Republic's citizens,[28] specifically on Coruscant.[29] Unknown to everyone except a select few, Coruscant was from where the entire war was continually manipulated by Palpatine. As Supreme Chancellor, he took overall charge of the Republic military and directed the war effort from his office in the Senate Office Building.[30] As Darth Sidious he directed Dooku's actions designed to continue the war and further his plans.[31]

Target sighted

The Zillo Beast terrorizes Coruscant while hunting Chancellor Palpatine

在克隆人战争期间,一头名为Zillo Beast的野兽因监管不慎,逃离了大共和国军的控制,在科洛桑大肆破坏。 The creature had been held at the Republic Science and Technical Center for research into enhanced clone armor, but had escaped captivity, and was ultimately eliminated.[19]


Coruscant in flames during the blackout after the bombing

Shortly after the Confederate–Republic peace initiative, 科洛桑的central power distribution grid遭到邦联军特工的破坏。结果,the Republic military enhancement bill to deregulate the banks allowing for more Republic troops was passed.[32]

战争末期,科洛桑主流舆论开始站到了绝地的对立面。抗议者聚集在绝地圣殿门前, blaming the Jedi for the military losses and the Jedi's loss of perspective as keepers of the peace. It was at that time that an explosion occurred at the Jedi Temple docking complex that killed six Jedi and several clone troopers and Temple employees. The investigation by crime scene analysis droid Russo-ISC and 绝地武士安纳金·天行者和绝地学徒阿索卡·塔诺found that Letta Turmond, the wife of Temple employee Jackar Bowmani, had fed him volatile nano-droids which then exploded, killing Bowmani and causing the bombing at the Temple. Turmond was arrested and held at the Republic military base.[29] When Tano went to visit her, Turmond was killed by a Force choke, making Tano seem to be the murderer. Though unknown to all, the true murderer was rogue Jedi Barriss Offee. 在逃离监管后,阿索卡·塔诺最终证明了自己的清白,但她也因此失去信心,决定离开绝地武士团。[33][34]

帝国崛起[ | ]

Template:See also

So this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause.

——Padmé Amidala, to Bail Organa following the declaration of the Empire in the Senate播放 ▶ · 查看文件[来源]

Battle of Coruscant


在克隆人战争期间,帕尔帕廷的支持率一直居高不下,他的任期也远远超出了议会规定的时间[35] Throughout this period, Palpatine continued to consolidate and centralize his own power.[36][37][38]19 BBY时,战争进入了第三个也是最后一个年头,科洛桑的防御开始出现漏洞,The Separatists had been pushed back to the Outer Rim, and couldn't risk a direct strike at the heart of the Republic. Coruscanti citizens, used to having the war fought far from the capitol, were just as surprised as the Coruscant Home Defense Fleet when a Separatist assault force launched a surprise attack on the planet.[39] During the battle, Chancellor Palpatine was kidnapped and briefly held captive on the Separatist flagship, the Invisible Hand, before he was freed by Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi.[35]



在首都的战役中,共和国方面击毙邦联领袖杜库伯爵,之后又在尤塔帕的战斗中击毙邦联军最高指挥官格里弗斯将军。As part of his endgame, Chancellor Palpatine issued Order 66, forcing the clone forces of the Republic to turn against their Jedi masters by using hidden inhibitor chips installed in their brains since their beginnings on Kamino.[40]而在科洛桑上,501军团 marched on the Jedi Temple, exterminating the Jedi. By demonstrating the threats close to home, with both the recent memory of the Battle of Coruscant,[39] and a "Jedi Rebellion" having occurred, Palpatine announced that in order to ensure safety and security, the Republic would be reorganized into the Galactic Empire, with himself as its Galactic Emperor.[35]

帝国时期[ | ]

Only some secrets are well kept on Coruscant.

——Rear Admiral Nils Tenant[来源]

Imperial Temple


帕尔帕廷登基后,科洛桑在短时间内发生了翻天覆地的变化。首先,帕尔帕廷宣布星球的名字由科洛桑改为帝国中心,银河城也顺势更名为帝国城。[41]过去的绝地圣殿和附属建筑接受了大规模改造和扩建,成为皇帝的新居——帝国宫。联邦区原来的建筑被大规模拆除,改为新秩序维持委员会生态建筑群, which contained the headquarters of the Imperial Security Bureau, and the new Naval Intelligence Agency headquarters, a near-windowless complex which formerly housed the Republic's strategic center. The cityscape of Coruscant changed as well. Buildings were stripped of their elegant Republic dressings in favor of sleek lines and block-like surfaces, and many smaller buildings became engulfed into larger buildings. Some areas changed so quickly that they were not recognizable to those who had seen them only a few years before.[13]

The Empire's policies against non-humans and its tightening control of the population caused unrest, especially among the alien populations of the underworld. As the Galactic Civil War took shape, the Empire began moving its 蒙·卡拉马里居民 population on Coruscant. The aggressiveness of the forced relocations caused rioting to erupt in the Old Market Sector, which was brutally put down by Imperial forces. After the destruction of the planet Alderaan by the Death Star, rumors of what occurred began reaching the Alderaanian population on Coruscant, most of whom lived on Level 3204. Vigils soon became heated and angry when it became known that the Empire had destroyed the planet. For several days, rioting continued until the combined efforts of the 科洛桑安全部队帝国冲锋队 restored order by firing indiscriminately into the crowd. The crowds, frightened, dispersed. The following day, the 科洛桑警察 arrested anyone caught out in the streets. The day after that, 冲锋队士兵开始 going door to door stating that 义军间谍had recruited local residents, and that Alderaanians had to be taken in for questioning.[42]

星球内战[ | ]

Template:See also

It is a symbol of our indolence and torpidity. It is the moldering core of our overripe fruit and I wish to cut away such rot so as to preserve our sweet remains and of course the seeds within.

——Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax to Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, arguing against assisting Imperial forces on Coruscant and re-securing the throneworld.[来源]

File:Imperial center ROTJ.jpg


4 ABY时,义军同盟在恩多战役中重创了帝国,并成功摧毁死星II,皇帝的徒弟达斯·维达临阵倒戈,杀死了帕尔帕廷,而他本人在不久后也伤重离世。得到皇帝驾崩消息后,科洛桑的市民欢呼雀跃,他们走上街头,自发地推倒皇帝雕像,并燃放烟花,开展大规模庆祝活动。在纪念碑广场上,闻讯赶来的警察公然向民众开火,造成多人死伤[43],结果掀起了一场全面的暴动,很快,科洛桑市民和帝国安全部队的冲突蔓延到了星球的各个角落。[44]

新共和国钱德里拉重建银河议会的同时,科洛桑正陷入全面内战。 with some sectors entrenching themselves with Rebel resistance fighters, while other sectors actively fought against their neighbors and supported the Imperial forces. 就在帝国四分五裂的同时,首相马斯·阿梅达接管了科洛桑上的帝国军队。然而,加利厄斯·拉克斯上将突然在此时将帝国海军抽离了出来,还拒绝了蕾·斯隆元帅增援科洛桑的请求, the figurehead of the Navy, to send reinforcements to the planet. Gallius Rax, leader of the Shadow Council that secretly guided the Empire in its final days, saw the planet as representing the "decay" that caused the Empire's downfall.[21]

权利真空时期,帝国安全局扛起了指挥克洛桑各地警察、军队的责任,而身为首相的马斯·阿梅达则成为了帝国事实上的领袖——尽此刻管他手中已经没有多少权力,The ISB established a nominal blockade around the planet utilizing ISB spaceships and coordinated the efforts of present security forces and stormtroopers. The Verity and 联邦区四处都设起了地堡和哨所, Coruscant skylanes were diverted, and ISB crafts flew on patrol. Smoke rose from damaged vehicles and buildings as a fierce guerrilla war consumed the entire planet. 在绝望中,阿梅达试图以个人名义向新共和国的两位领袖——蒙·莫思马议长莱娅·奥加纳公主投降,但后者拒绝将阿梅达收押,反要求他以宰相身份代表银河帝国无条件投降。[21]

银河和约[ | ]

Mas Amedda has come out of hiding and wants to sign a cease-fire. He wants to end it. All of it.

——Mon Mothma relaying the news of the Imperial surrender of Coruscant[来源]

贾库战役期间,阿梅达被拉克斯软禁在帝国宫中,并被迫以领袖的形象继续出现在公众视野中。之后,阿梅达 rescued by members of a child resistance group known as the Anklebiter Brigade, who had initially come to assassinate him. Amedda managed to persuade the child resistance fighters to help him escape so that he could end the Galactic Civil War. 在一阵东躲西藏之后,阿梅达成功联系上了钱德里拉的蒙·莫思马,并同意投降。[22] Following the signing of the Imperial Instruments of Surrender and the Galactic Concordance on Chandrila, the Empire surrendered to the New Republic[22] and ceded Coruscant over to the fledgling galactic government[25] with Mas Amedda being permitted to form a provisional government on Coruscant, along with Republic observers to ensure that it remained powerless under a figurehead leader. 帝国投降的时候,科洛桑的群众走上街头和天台,开始了长达数周的欢庆。[22]

新共和国[ | ]

银河内战结束后,the New Republic sought to reshape galactic politics in an effort to both prevent the abuses of the Old Republic and bring in disaffected worlds that had seceded from the Republic prior to the Clone Wars. To accomplish this, the new Senate decided that all worlds would have an equal say in their government, and as such all worlds had an equal chance of hosting the New Republic's capital on a rotating basis, rather than simply remaining on Coruscant alone.[25] Soon after, Coruscant joined as a member of the Republic. Later on it joined the Centrist Faction in the Galactic Senate. Twenty years after its establishment, it was represented by Senator Arbo, a member of the Centrist faction and notorious war hawk, and junior senator Orris Madmund.[45]


Panoramic view of the planetary cityscape of Coruscant from the High Council Chamber

人口[ | ]

Buildings are just buildings. What really makes a city are the inhabitants that live in it.


尽管科洛桑被视为人类的发源地[20],但它的居民科洛桑人却是由五花八门的种族组成,especially as one journeyed below the surface of the skyscrapers and into the underworld.[46] Over a trillion beings resided on the planet,[1] 其中人类占比达到了68%[7]。作为银河共和国与银河帝国的首都, members of senators and delegates of every represented planet had a residence on Coruscant. From there they would spend their days either working in the Senate or hosting events such as parties and political meetings.[27][37] Additionally, the planet served as the home of large communities of various species, some who rarely returned to their original homeworld. Many of those communities of species that were not human resided in the lower levels of the city. With the formation of the Empire, even those humans whose home planet had fallen out of favor with the Imperial government, such as Alderaan, were forced into enclaves in the underworld.[42]

Coruscant wealthy

Coruscant's wealthy and influential attend an opera.

在科洛桑的最外层,高大的摩天大楼 served as homes and businesses for the wealthy, powerful, and politically connected. They were ferried by private speeder or an air taxi from one tower to the next or to the various theaters, clubs, operas, and other entertainment areas of Coruscant.[14] Some journeyed to the surface street levels or Coruscant's surface parks to conduct clandestine meetings[15] or to mingle in the crowds of people that streamed through the walkways of the residential and commercial areas. Among the rich and powerful of the planet were the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and members of the Galactic Senate.[14] The influential and wealthy of Coruscant thrived in lavish lifestyles, attending meetings and social gatherings in highrise apartments,[27][37] dining in fine restaurants overlooking the city,[47] partying in the entertainment districts,[14] and viewing large scale shows in theaters and operas.[35] Even as the Republic decayed, the Clone Wars raged on, and the average citizen became disenfranchised,[29] Coruscant's wealthy continued their lifestyle seemingly oblivious of the rest of the galaxy.[35]

On the streets of the city in the shadows of skyscrapers teemed the planet's blue collar working population.[48] Many lived in the various housing blocks of the surface structures in relative comfort though not nearly as extravagant as the planet's wealthy and powerful. Many worked on the upper and lower surface levels or enjoyed the entertainment and restaurants that were more catered to their financial abilities.[14][37][49] Below the housing blocks and surface levels was the population inhabiting the Coruscant underworld. A term used to describe both the thousands of levels underneath the surface, and, Coruscant's criminal population, the underworld was home to millions of the planet's population who were too poor to move upward or were hiding from the attentions of the authorities. The citizens who lived here rarely if ever during their lifetime saw the surface of the planet. Living between vast buildings and infrastructure that supported the surface, they carried on their lives at the mercy of the violence, decay, and constant threat of death.[46][42][50]

政府[ | ]

Template:See also

Enter the bureaucrats―the true rulers of the Republic.



Coruscant was the seat of the Senate and the galactic government

Coruscant, as the center of the galaxy, thrived on the rule of government. It served as the capital of the Republic which kept the peace and prevented a major war in the galaxy for over a thousand years. Under the Republic, the Chancellor and the Senate had a direct influence on the planet's governance. Major events that affected the Republic equally affected Coruscant.[19][51][37][32][29] In its last years, the Republic's Senate became corrupt, bloated, and ultimately ineffectual, though some continued to fight in the belief of its ability to govern.[27][14] With the formation of the Empire, the Senate transitioned into a limited role, providing council and legislation but ultimately at the power of the Emperor.[35] As Coruscant's government services were strained, the Imperial Senate moved to have each senator open citizen assistance offices that would supplement the work of the local government. While the goal was to primarily assist the members of each senator's homeworld living on Coruscant, the assistance offices were open to help all Coruscanti.[52]在地位达到巅峰时,帕尔帕廷解散了议会,并将他们手中仅剩的权利交给了各地的总督。[53]到银河内战末期,新共和国控制了科洛桑,并建立起一个由前帝国宰相马斯·阿梅达领导的地方政府。[22]但是,新共和国并没有将科洛桑作为自己的唯一首都,而是选择建立轮值制度,让几个成员星球轮流担当首都。[25] Under the New Republic, Coruscant was represented by a senator and junior senator.[45]

科洛桑的地方执法机构是科洛桑安全部队,which utilized police droids on the upper levels together with sentient officers and detectives,[54] and the burly underworld police who patrolled in the cutthroat environment of the lower levels.[46] The Coruscant Ministry of Ingress handled the flow of immigration to and from the planet,[4] and the Galactic Republic Customs of Coruscant office monitored cargo transports.[50] 银河议会则拥有一个独立的安全和执法部门——议会卫队。the Senate Guard. Serving under a long tradition, the Senate Guard was a reminder that though the Republic did not have a standing army, it was not defenseless.[55] 克隆人战争爆发后,由克隆人士兵组成的科洛桑卫队成立,这支队伍承担着双重职责:既是和平维持部队,也是宪兵,, providing a constant reminder of the expanded power of the government, specifically Palpatine.[56]帝国成立后,科洛桑卫队和帝国冲锋队取代议会卫队[55],并和科洛桑警察一道承担起整颗星球的安全工作。[42]

地点[ | ]

可可镇[ | ]


I should think that you Jedi would have more respect for the difference between knowledge and wisdom.

——Dexter Jettster to Obi-Wan Kenobi inside Dex's Diner[来源]

CoCo Town

The surface streets of CoCo Town

可可镇 was a dilapidated industrial area of Coruscant. Home to mostly hard-working laborers, CoCo Town was located on a surface area of the city.[11] The area, however, was as run down as other heavy industrial surface districts and contained relatively well-maintained streets, speeder lanes, and a shuttle bus route.[14] On one of the main streets built on top of the urban blocks was an eatery called Dex's Diner. Owned and operated by Dexter Jettster, a Besalisk with a colorful background, it served mostly hard workers from the area. The diner offered home-style cooked meals and freshly brewed ardees. Jettster worked as the cook and employed two waitresses, Hermione Bagwa and her droid partner, WA-7.[11] Shortly before the Clone Wars, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi came to Dex's Diner to see if his old friend Jettster could identify a poisoned dart. Jettster identified it as originating from the planet Kamino, which he knew of from his days as a prospector.[14]

During the civil war that erupted after the Emperor's death, CoCo Town became an epicenter of the fight between rebel and Imperial forces. The fighting saw the formation of the so-called Anklebiter Brigade, a group of youths familiar with the underground maintenance systems, who would use them to sneak behind Imperial lines and disrupt their abilities to fight.[44]

大共和国医疗设施[ | ]

File:Grand Medical Facility.png

The Grand Republic Medical Facility

大共和国医疗设施是一座专门负责治疗共和国军人的大楼, The building was heavily guarded and had defensive shields, an independent power supply and was armored to where it could withstand a siege. The facility provided treatment to patients from all over the galaxy and boasted cutting-edge techniques in surgery and biomechanical reconstruction. The heavy fortifications and benign front appealed to Palpatine, and towards the end of the Clone Wars, he began using the lower levels of the facility to store Sith artifacts and as a meditation area, access to which was prevented by the Red Guards.[4] After Order 66 was prematurely activated in a few individual clone troopers,[57] the investigation brought Jedi Master Shaak Ti and Doctor Nala Se to the facility along with ARC Trooper Fives. Palpatine confronted Fives in the facility, revealing his true nature. Fives fought back against the Red Guards and escaped the facility, though he was eventually located and killed by the Coruscant Guard.[58] After this threat to Palpatine's plans, the Medical Facility was temporarily closed, and Palpatine used the opportunity to move several larger secret Sith artifacts into the tower from a building in the Works. However, the medical capabilites remained operational and were used to build the life-sustaining suit for Darth Vader after his fateful duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Sith artifacts inside the building fueled Vader's recovery and hate.[4]

绝地圣殿/帝国宫[ | ]


I can't believe a Jedi would attack a place this sacred.

——Ahsoka Tano[来源]

File:JediTemple cloudysky.jpeg

The Jedi Temple, later, the Imperial Palace

在共和国时期,科洛桑不仅是银河的首都,同时也是绝地武士团的家园。As the galactic capital, Coruscant was also home to the Jedi Order, guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy. An order of Force-sensitives, the Jedi Knights served the Republic for thousands of years as keepers of the peace. Their home was the Jedi Temple. Built on a plain of low lying urban blocks, the Jedi Temple was easily recognizable on the Coruscant cityscape with its distinctive five spires. Part school and part monastery, the Temple was the hub of all Jedi activity throughout the galaxy.[12] In one of the spires sat the Jedi Council, led by the Grand Master of the Order, which directed the actions of the Jedi and served as advisers to the Senate and Chancellor.[59] The Temple held a large lobby and chambers with statues of famous Jedi[14] and also contained numerous facilities including hanger bays for starships and speeders utilized by the Jedi,[35] sleeping and living quarters, rooms for meetings and instruction,[14] a medical facility,[60] prison cells,[29] and communications and security stations.[35] The Temple also held the famous Jedi Archives, which stored the largest collection of information on the galaxy[14] as well as a vault containing the valuable holocrons containing the Order's Force knowledge and secrets.[31]

在克隆人战争期间,绝地在大共和国军中充当将军和指挥官,并接受绝地圣殿方面的调配。However, as the war began to conclude, the Jedi became more separated from the hierarchy of the military command and establishment.[29][46] When Palpatine was revealed as the Sith Lord the Jedi had been searching for, he ordered the execution of Order 66 and sent his new apprentice Darth Vader to the Jedi Temple. Entering with the 501st Legion, Vader and the clone troopers seized the Temple, killing all the Jedi and younglings inside and setting the monastery ablaze. Later, Masters Yoda and Kenobi infiltrated the Temple to discover what had occurred. It was there they reconfigured a distress signal transmitting from the Temple to any surviving Jedi asking them to return (into a Sith trap), and learned the truth of Skywalker's fall and Palpatine's identity as the Dark Lord of the Sith.[35] After the war, Palpatine turned the Temple into the Imperial Palace, using it as his new home. The Temple's spires remained intact though the rest of the Temple was heavily remodeled and expanded. The hallways were stripped of all statues and Republic-era ornaments. Where they had once been quiet and solemn, they became filled with busy government workers and functionaries. A large landing courtyard allowed for shuttles and starships to land. The entire Palace complex was watched over by the red-robed Imperial Royal Guard. The center spire was converted into the Emperor's throne room with a ten-meter tall podium in the center accessible by the Emperor from his residence via a private turbolift.[13] The structure remained standing on Coruscant throughout the Emperor's reign.[43]

Republic Center for Military Operations[ | ]

Can't say I blame you, Commander Tano, but all the same, you're under arrest."
"I—n-no. I did not do this.

——Commander Fox and Ahsoka Tano, after Letta Turmond was killed while Tano was in her cell[来源]

Republic military base

The Republic's military base

Towards the end of the Clone Wars, the Republic constructed a large military base in close proximity to the staging areas. Outside of the complex was an airfield with Venator-class Star Destroyers, HAVw A6 Juggernauts, and other ships. A memorial was also located just outside of the main entrance to the base. The base was protected by shock troopers of the Coruscant Guard. Inside was a military prison. The cells had two options for entering. The first was sliding a keycard. The second was pressing a button on the outside of each cell. The cells had ray-shielded doors to make sure prisoners did not escape. Inside each cell was a bed and bowls for water and food. Another area in the prison was a medium circle room with a fairly large computer for scanning people before they entered the base, a crate for weapons and communication devices, and a red button to start the red-alert sequence. In the last half of the war, the prison held Whorm Loathsom, Poggle the Lesser, and Wat Tambor. It was also here that Ahsoka Tano escaped when she was suspected of killing Letta Turmond.[33] Additionally, inside the compound was a military tribunal courtroom, in which the court decided the fate of dangerous criminals. It was a tall room, with platforms extending into its center for the accused, prosecution, and defense. There was seating along its walls for the presiding official, jury, and other trial participants and onlookers.[34]

议会大厦[ | ]


Template:See also

I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a committee!

——Queen Amidala, to the Galactic Senate播放 ▶ · 查看文件[来源]

Galactic Senate

The Senate Building

议会大厦位于联邦区的中心,Delegates would meet here during sessions of congress to discuss legislation and galactic policy. The structure's recognizable dome was two kilometers in diameter, and the rotunda's chamber could seat over a thousand senators.[4] Each senatorial delegation had their own hover platform, which they could detach from the walls of the chamber. They could then float it throughout the cavernous hall to be recognized by the Senate chair or to debate the issue at hand. In the center of the Senate chamber was the Chancellor's podium. Seated in it would be the Supreme Chancellor and the Senate's Vice Chair, who would lead sessions of congress.[27] The podium could be lowered to an office used by the Chancellor below the chamber.

Directly adjacent to the Senate Building was the Senate Office Building. The executive building had docking bays that wrapped around the building, allowing Senators to land their private shuttles and walk inside. The building contained mostly offices and meeting rooms for members of the Senate but also held the offices used on a day-to-day basis by the Supreme Chancellor. During Palpatine's term, the Chancellor's office was decorated with red floors and walls as well as several statues. A lobby led to the Chancellor's public office, which contained a grand desk and large window that overlooked the cityscape. To the side, another hallway led to Palpatine's inner private office.[35]

地下世界[ | ]

What about Coruscant? Is there unrest here?"
"You must be joking. Go down two thousand levels and you'll find all the unrest you could ever want. Go down four thousand and you might as well be in Wild Space.

——Captain Thrawn and Colonel Wullf Yularen[来源]

CSF patrol underworld

The Coruscant underworld

Beneath the top-level structures, streets and glistening lights of the city surface was Coruscant's underworld. It was accessible by huge portals that additionally served as ventilation shafts. The underworld was a massive city beneath a city with hundreds of levels built on top of each other. On each level, dwellings and smaller buildings were squeezed in between massive towers and infrastructure that serviced the upper levels. The streets and alleyways were narrow and large sections contained massive buildings and warehouses, largely abandoned. Sunlight almost never reached the lower levels, which had to be artificially lit. The population was able to move from one area to another via trains that ran below and above the planet's surface. While airspeeders were used, they were a less common sight than on the surface levels. The underworld, containing a vast population of the poor and criminal, was dark and violent. Those who wanted to disappear to hide from the authorities or to conduct illegal transactions could blend in despite the presence of cam droids and other monitoring technology.[46] Patrolled by the underworld police division of the Coruscant Security Force, the underworld was where large populations of species not loyal to the Emperor were relocated to after the formation of the Empire. Uprisings and riots became common, with stormtroopers frequently called in to assist the Coruscant cops in putting down any dissent with ruthless violence.[42]

Uscru District[ | ]

Template:See also

File:Galaxies Opera House.png

The Galaxies Opera House overseeing the lower levels of the Uscru District

Coruscant's entertainment districts catered to everyone from the wealthy and powerful to the secretive and criminal. The upper sections of the Uscru District reached to upper levels of the city where the Galaxies Opera House was located. It was here that Chancellor Palpatine often would come to enjoy various performances. He also met Anakin Skywalker and told him the story of Darth Plagueis to subvert Skywalker's faith in the Jedi.[61] Further down in the lower levels of the Uscru Entertainment District was a variety of establishments, most notably the Outlander Club. The club was situated in a less developed area of the district and did not garner as much attention from the police, a fact that worked in the club's favor. Its labyrinth of bars, gambling rooms and sleeping quarters allowed for a wide variety of visitors and entertainment. In the center was a large bar, usually crowded, that catered to all parts of Coruscant's society.[4] Jedi Knights Kenobi and Skywalker pursued bounty hunter Zam Wesell into the Uscru District after her attempted assassination of Senator Amidala. The pursuit ended in the Outlander Club, where the Jedi located the assassin. However, Wesell was killed by bounty hunter Jango Fett in an alley outside the club before the Jedi could finish questioning her.[14]

The Works[ | ]

Where am I? I don't understand. Tell me you must!"
"The industrial sector on Coruscant."
"What is happening here?"
"A rogue shuttle slipped through the security grid. We suspect Dooku was aboard.

——Yoda and Anakin Skywalker, in a vision to the former[来源]

The Works 2

The Works

A large sector and industrial area, The Works was once a great manufacturing district, recognized as a major source of production for spacecraft parts, construction droids, and building materials. However, centuries prior to the Clone Wars, increasingly high cost on Coruscant prompted most manufacturers to shift their operations to off-planet facilities. Afterwards, the Works mainly consisted of long-abandoned buildings and empty warehouses, many of which were appropriated by criminals, with large areas rendered uninhabitable by toxic waste. Due to this, a derelict hanger in the neglected industrial zone was the site of clandestine meetings between Darth Sidious and Darth Tyranus during the Clone Wars.[1]

幕后信息[ | ]

在《星球大战VI:绝地归来》的早期设定中,帝国的首都被命名为Had Abbadon. During the development of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, George Lucas officially adopted the name Coruscant for the planet, a name that was created by Timothy Zahn for his June 1991 Legends novel Heir to the Empire. The planet first appeared in the 1997 Special Edition of Return of the Jedi, which showed scenes on Coruscant of a jubilant population celebrating the demise of the Emperor, with its name first mentioned in The Phantom Menace. The prequel trilogy and the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film and television series showed Coruscant as a major center of activity and action. In Rogue One: A Star Wars Story the planet is briefly revisited via the dreams of Jyn Erso, featuring her childhood on Coruscant with her father Galen Erso and Orson Krennic.


In the 2018 compilatory reference book Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition, Coruscant is mispelled as "Courscant" in page 37.[62]

登场作品[ | ]

非正史作品[ | ]

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  • Template:The Freemaker Adventures
  • Template:The Freemaker Adventures
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  • Template:The Freemaker Adventures
  • Template:The Freemaker Adventures
  • Template:The Freemaker Adventures
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来源[ | ]

参考资料[ | ]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 星球大战:终极视觉图典
  2. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 星球大战:视觉指南
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 Star Wars: Complete Location
  5. The Mighty Chewbacca in the Forest of Fear!
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know
  8. Poe Dameron: Flight Log states that atmospheres habitable to oxygen-breathers, such as humans, are known as "Type 1" atmospheres. Multiple sources, including Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, show that Coruscant's atmosphere is breathable to humans, thus the planet has a Type 1 atmosphere.
  9. 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 StarWars-DatabankII Coruscant in the Databank (backup link)
  10. Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 StarWars-DatabankII Dex's Diner in the Databank (backup link)
  12. 12.0 12.1 StarWars-DatabankII Jedi Temple in the Databank (backup link)
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 星球大战:塔金
  14. 14.00 14.01 14.02 14.03 14.04 14.05 14.06 14.07 14.08 14.09 14.10 14.11 14.12 14.13 14.14 星球大战II:克隆人战争
  15. 15.0 15.1 TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争Duchess of Mandalore
  16. 星海迷途
  17. Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel
  18. TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争Hostage Crisis
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争The Zillo Beast Strikes Back
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 星球大战:崛起
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 星球大战:余波-生命债
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 星球大战:余波-帝国的终结
  23. Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition
  24. 24.0 24.1 According to Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, Coruscant had been the capital of galactic politics for millennia. However, in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, Palpatine states that the Galactic Republic, whose capital was Coruscant, was only founded about 1,000 years before the Clone Wars. This implies that Coruscant was also the capital of the Galactic Republic's predecessor state, which the televised episode "The Mandalore Plot" referred to as the Old Republic.
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary
  26. StarWars Rebels Recon: Inside "The Future of the Force"StarWars.com
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace
  28. TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争Defenders of Peace
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 29.5 TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争Sabotage
  30. TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争Dooku Captured
  31. 31.0 31.1 TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争Holocron Heist
  32. 32.0 32.1 TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争Heroes on Both Sides
  33. 33.0 33.1 TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争The Jedi Who Knew Too Much
  34. 34.0 34.1 TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争The Wrong Jedi
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 35.6 35.7 35.8 35.9 Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
  36. TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争Heroes on Both Sides
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争Pursuit of Peace
  38. TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争Citadel Rescue
  39. 39.0 39.1 Star Wars: On the Front Lines
  40. TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争Conspiracy
  41. The Rebellion Begins
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 42.4 Template:InsiderCite
  43. 43.0 43.1 Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi
  44. 44.0 44.1 Aftermath
  45. 45.0 45.1 Bloodline
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 46.4 TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争To Catch a Jedi
  47. TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争Senate Spy
  48. StarWars-DatabankII Dex's Diner in the Databank (backup link)
  49. Star Wars: The Clone Wars film
  50. 50.0 50.1 TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争Lethal Trackdown
  51. TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争Lightsaber Lost
  52. Thrawn
  53. Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope
  54. TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争Senate Murders
  55. 55.0 55.1 StarWars-DatabankII Senate Guard in the Databank (backup link)
  56. StarWars-DatabankII Coruscant Guard in the Databank (backup link)
  57. TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争The Unknown
  58. TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争Orders
  59. StarWars-DatabankII Yoda in the Databank (backup link)
  60. TCW mini logo 星球大战:克隆人战争Deception
  61. StarWars-DatabankII Galaxies Opera House in the Databank (backup link)
  62. Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition