
We weren't prepared for anything like this.

——U.O. Statura, on Resistance casualties, during the assault on Starkiller Base[来源]

斯塔圖拉上將(U.O. Statura admiral)是《星際大戰》中的一個角色,首次出現於《STAR WARS:原力覺醒》,是抵抗勢力中的一個上將。人類男性。 他來自於行星 Garel,具於科學的背景,他的科技知識在抵抗勢力對抗第一軍團的過程中發揮效用。尤其在規劃攻擊第一軍團的超級武器 弒星者的計劃中出了一些意見。 from their command center on D'Qar.斯塔圖拉成功預測到最終計劃的成功。

出處[ | ]

  1. Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary
  2. Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary states that Statura was a teenager when the Galactic Civil War ended (at the Battle of Jakku). With a maximum age of nineteen at the Battle of Jakku and a minimum age of thirteen, it can be determined that Statura was born thirteen to nineteen years before the Battle of Jakku. The 雅汶戰役 took place five years before the Battle of Jakku; thus it can be calculated that Statura was born between eight and fourteen years before the 雅汶戰役.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 STAR_WARS:原力覺醒
  4. Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded